There has been a great deal of talk from Donald Trump lately about rigged elections. Trump would have us believe that the Democratic Party will be out there on Election Day, stuffing ballot boxes and acquiring the votes of the dead. What
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This may be the greatest country in the world but there are still a lot of things that need fixing. We need so many things that cost more than we can afford and to some of us it may seem that we
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As the day of the second debate dawned the Republican Party was in chaos. Trump’s latest insult to women dashed across the headlines as he bragged to Billy Bush about being able to grab women by the crotch because he is a
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The GOP started the VP pre-debate by claiming victory before it even started. With typical Republican bullshit they already printed up their headlines for after the debate. The GOP stooges don’t care what happens in the real world. In their world of
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The single most important aspect of the post election will be jobs. Putting all of America back to work at a living wage is the basic key to having the country work. Think about how things were after WWII. There is
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Trump coming out with his economic policies this week brought to the fore the debates about our foreign trade policies such as NAFTA and the current TPP. Everybody who can stand upright and eat a popsicle has his or her own
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Today, there is a heartbreaking picture of a little boy in all the papers of the world. All the pundits are using it to attack Barak Obama and all the leaders of the free world about why they have not stepped
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Tom Cole, ® OK seems to feel that whoever runs for President will not much effect the down ticket. That those running for the House will depend on their own gerrymandered districts to keep them in office, which brings to the fore
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So, in the first part of this investigation we discussed the way the Clinton’s have been harassed for years with little proof and no conclusion to any of the accusations while Trump who is deeply involved in criminal and anti-social activities
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The race enters the fall with Donald Trump having one of the worst months imaginable for a candidate. He insults the logic and the intelligence of his listeners by his contradictory statements, spits in the face of every concept of the way
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