Well, the GOP convention is out of the way, Hillary has picked her VP and we are about to jump into the Democratic convention. Reporter Kelly O’Donnell observed the yesterday that Tim Kaine shared a lot more of the podium with Hillary
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Night 3 of “Chaos in Cleveland” started to get serious when Ivanka Trump hit the podium. She may not be as hyped up as her brothers but she is a calmer, more precise speaker. She did the one thing no ne else
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Just in case you have forgotten what a giant clusterf**k the GOP has created and called a convention, they reminded us again last night when the Alaska delegation stopped the entire convention to object to the fact that the candidate that they
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Trump has picked Mike Pence. Two old white men can now bond in their hatred of everything that isn’t them. It’s amazing to me that all the Trump backers have this penchant for grasping non-reality. I watch Trump speak and I see
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For years the economic debate between the GOP and the Democrats has raged on unabated. For some inexplicable reason the Republicans have acquired the reputation of being the Party of finance, but when one looks at the facts, a starkly different
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Jeh Johnson head of Homeland Security and Bill Bratten, NYC Police Commissioner were all over the tube this weekend, commenting on the shootings of Philando Castile in Minneapolis, Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and five police officers in Dallas. These occurrences are
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The Republicans made another bonehead move when they called FBI Director James Comey to testify at a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. These are the same blunderers that wasted $7million on the Clinton Benghazi hearing that came to
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James Comey, Director of the FBI went on the tube this morning, July5,2016 and after reading a seemingly inexhaustible list of the processes that his agency had gone through in the Clinton email investigation, announced that they would recommend to the Attorney
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Things are really getting bad for Trump. He recently begged the Republican leaders to just shut up and let him do it all by himself. Yeah, that’s a good idea. Paul Ryan, while desperately trying to hold onto the Party, is
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When given a moment to explain why he has stumbled so clumsily around the Trump problem he faces in this election, Paul Ryan talks of inclusiveness, a subject, about which his party knows nothing. The GOP is all about the exclusive few
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