Paul Ryan explains his grudging support for Donald Trump as giving people a better path forward. Neither Trump nor his party has ever done that and it doesn’t look like Trump will be changing on that anytime soon. The only path
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This week, Jim Hines a Democratic congressman from CT. interrupted a moment of silence aimed at honoring the victims of the Orlando massacre and set out on a 15 hour filibuster trying to wake up the congress and have them actually do
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There is a lot of noise being made lately about a heroin epidemic, The question this brouhaha brings to the mind is; is it real or is it a tool being used by big corporations to keep the ball rolling? Is
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Guns do kill people and if you are one of the simplistic geniuses who made up that cute little slogan about people doing the killing, you are not completely wrong, just without combat experience and grossly naïve. Picture the nutcase who mowed
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Mitch McConnell proved today on national TV why he is nothing but a dead fish. This is a clown who spent the last eight years trying to foil Barak Obama, even as Obama beat his brains out in two Presidential elections. This
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I have been meaning to start a column with this for weeks but every time I came close, it seemed that Bernie Sanders would abandon reality and refuse to retire from a field on which he had won great victories but was
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For those of you who love to listen to Donald Trump rattle on about making America great again and how he’s going to rebuild our military to make it the greatest force in the world, a few facts could be in order
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President Obama visited Japan this week, making him the first American president to enter that country, since WWII. This trip gave Obama’s right wing opponents an excuse to start whining about how he was going to apologize for America dropping the bomb
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Everybody’s marveling over how the two leading candidates have such low approval ratings; Hillary at -53% and Trump at -73% but that’s nothin’. This campaign is just getting to the dirty part and neither Hillary nor the Donald is going to walk
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The touchstone of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and her stated reason for the presidential run is the fiscal regeneration of the American peole. So what else is new? Every politician and his brother is currently making the same statement. At least half of
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