The Republican candidates are having a field day attacking Barak Obama over the state of the Middle East. This is fairly harmless because anyone who can think for themselves and is minimally informed about what the hell is going on over there
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Lindsay Graham can be one of the funniest men in politics, but last night at the debates he came up with some of the smartest stuff I have ever heard from a politician. He may have been on the undercard but
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ISIS claims that its caliphate is a paradise. All these refugees leaving puts the lie to this. That’s why ISIS loves all the dumb governors in the US that don’t want refugees from Syria. So yes, our Republican refusal to accept refugees
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For many thousands of Americans the debate over abortion rights is a very real and very important issue. Like most issues there are two distinct and legitimate sides and debate has often become angry. This is to be expected when issues are
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After watching the people of Paris reclaim their city, followed by our cowardly reaction to the terrorists in San Bernardino, it occurred to me that the reaction in Paris is exactly what should be happening here. Over there, despite the attacks, they
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Military and intelligence sources both here and abroad seem to agree on one very significant fact in the war on ISIS. We could, undoubtedly take back all the ISIS held territory in Iraq and Syria with about 40,000 troops plus air
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Voters are angry We can see this and polls tell us the same story but what are they angry about? This is the question that tells us which Americans are worried about their country and which one are worried about their personal
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The Right wing press and some of the Left is up in arms about Obama’s reaction and speech after the Paris attacks, The attacks are based on his reluctance to put American troops on the ground to fight yet another war that
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The Republican Party’s leading candidate for President of the United States is currently an admitted briber, a birther, a bully and a bigot who espouses the policies of Adolph Hitler while preaching patriotism, even as he acts out a scenario of yellow
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So the terrorists invaded Paris and others have now invaded Mali and have given the intellectually bankrupt GOP an excuse to start shouting about Obama’s strategy or lack thereof in the fight against ISIS. It also gave the cowardly Republican governors, mainly
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