Naguin Sawiris, a Coptic Christian, is Egypt’s third richest man. He is showing the world the right way to spend money. He wants to buy an island and house between one and two hundred thousand refugees there. It’s a complicated deal but
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The violence in Oregon has generated all the expected noise and all of it is about the wrong solution. Everyone wants to blame the whole problem on crazy people because that’s easy. They all speak about background checks as if that
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Everybody and his brother is calling for Obama to do something in Syria. What? Strangely no one has any idea of what to do except “engage”. Of course engagement stops as soon as someone asks – how?. No one wants to
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Vladmir Putin was on 60 Minutes this weeend and he showed us that no matter what else he is, he is a leader. He understands what it is for a country to survive and he makes no excuses for what he
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There has been a great deal of speculation over the comparison between Bibi Netanyahu’s address to congress and that of Pope Francis. In fact there is very little to compare. Netanyahu’s address was a political sales pitch fostered by the leaders
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Barak Obama already has a lot to be proud of as President of this nation. He has made a lot of significant moves including but not limited to pulling us out of a depression, changing our foreign policy from attack to negotiation,
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The great upheaval in this year’s political spectrum, the earthquake that has catapulted Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina to the tops of the GOP polls is popularly said to be a general dysfunction of those in office; specifically the
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The Second Republican Debate happened the other night, kind of like a multi car accident on the freeway Bobby Jindal started things out in the loser debate by doing a number on Planned Parenthood for selling baby parts. Great start guys,
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The Trump debate goes on and on, proving that the media are just another bunch of whores working their individual street corners. It’s not going to stop anytime soon mainly because there isn’t any reason for it to stop. The media loves
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The death of truth, especially in our political affairs has reached a point of critical mass where no one and nothing can be believed. This may seem normal to some of those involved in the political process but it is appalling
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