Election Views #5
Bobby Jindal talks about the real issue with Hillary Clinton and her emails. The real issue, Bobby, is whether or not the use of her email had any security consequences and so far they have not. That is the only issue that
growls from Manhattan
Bobby Jindal talks about the real issue with Hillary Clinton and her emails. The real issue, Bobby, is whether or not the use of her email had any security consequences and so far they have not. That is the only issue that
Watched interviews of Bernie Saunders and Donald Trump today and cannot believe how different, despite people trying to compare them, the two really are. Saunders answers questions directly and sensibly, with calm, detailed answers that are directly applicable to the
All the GOP candidates that are leading the field are now non-politicians who have good communication skills. Maybe that doesn’t include Ben Carson who isn’t a politician and isn’t very communicative, but it is certainly true of Trump, or Carly Fiorina who
Bernie Sanders was interviewed recently on ABC and as has been his custom, he answered every question with a straight answer – except one. That question had to do with whether o not he thought Hillary was dishonest. He avoided the question
Mitch McConnell, our useless Senate Majority Leader, the same pond scum who spent the last six years on the government payroll trying to keep Barak Obama from getting re-elected and failing, has now shown the reason for his hapless crusade. He can’t
With all the potential news stories out in the world, Steve Kornacki spent twenty minutes this morning on the possibility of a Joe Biden campaign and then came back to spend another five minutes on it later in the show. Twenty-five
There was a discussion this week about the fact that terrorists were now communicating on what is called a dark network. This seems to mean that they can avoid surveillance by using encrypted files that are unbreakable by our security entities. For
Robert Iger was out celebrating the 60th anniversary of Disney Land recently. Iger is the CEO of the Disney empire, but though he may be celebrating an anniversary, he has nothing to celebrate when it comes to labor relations. This
The battle against the Iran Nuclear treaty goes on and on. Former Ambassador to NATO, Nicholas Burns, points out that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s denunciation of the Treaty is understandable but not coherent; at least not until he presents a better alternative,
This column has never been a fan of Carly Fiorina but it is inarguable that she shone at the Republican debates. Watching her, it became obvious that she was much better when she expounded on a plan of what to do with