What Plan of Governance?
Yes, it’s election time, whether we like it or not, mainly because the media can’t figure out where the real news is so they have decided to make the election news now, a year and a half before it happens. The
growls from Manhattan
Yes, it’s election time, whether we like it or not, mainly because the media can’t figure out where the real news is so they have decided to make the election news now, a year and a half before it happens. The
The latest flack about Hillary Clinton’s emails, is much like Benghazi, a fiction developed by the twisted minds of the more wanting GOP members. What started out being trumpeted as a criminal investigation of Hillary over classified emails now turns out to
The traffic problem in NYC that Mayor Bloomberg and his traffic Commissioner Jeanette Sadik-Khan made so much noise over, spent so much money to solve and introduced kamikaze bicycles to implement, has been a complete and utter failure. Streets that once
Mike Huckabee has been all over the tube, making wild, invalid arguments about the Supreme Court. Funny, we didn’t hear “I speak to God” Mike, ranting against the court after the Citizens United decision. The justices who voted to establish the legality
Jeb Bush made a fairly cogent statement about lost work hours and America’s desire to work hard and make more money the other day but his phrasing left said statement open to a couple of very different interpretations. Hillary interpreted it
The nuclear treaty with Iran is now a done deal and a lot of people are ecstatic, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is happy with it, even a lot of people who haven’t read it yet. Of course, Bibi
The Greek crisis , though seemingly solved in the short term, goes on and on, fueled by an incredibly ignorant government and creditors who are sick of flushing money down a bottomless hole. It’s easy to see why this crisis has
Watched Mike McCaul, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, attack our position on the negotiations with Iran. Why is it that this guy can’t make any kind of statement without lying or setting up a false premise. One of his principle problems
With Obama moving forward on a number of issues there is a feeling hovering over the Republicans that they didn’t receive the fruits of last year’s election victory. This is legitimate, but they brought it on themselves, because of their obstinate
Repealing the ACA would have cost the nation $137 billion in the next decade and it would have end healthcare for 19 million Americans. Suck that up GOP. ***** Something interesting came up recently, something that may eventually be the answer