Making It Work For All
The Right, is almost 100% opposed to higher minimum wage. How can this be? Most of them are not rich. Many of them , like the rest of us, are in need of a job or certainly a higher paying job,
growls from Manhattan
The Right, is almost 100% opposed to higher minimum wage. How can this be? Most of them are not rich. Many of them , like the rest of us, are in need of a job or certainly a higher paying job,
Right now, the United States is spending billions and endangering its youth, to bring peace to a section of the world that is no longer viable. I’m speaking, of course, about the Middle East, which is so shattered that even the
Seventeen months away from the presidential election but the political machines are already in gear and pumping out steam. After the Republicans did their best to evaluate their candidates to keep from having a bunch of dunces the way they did
Today, as people across the nation morn the deaths of simple worshippers at the hand of a bigoted, demented killer, the stars and stripes and the state flag of South Carolina are flying at half -mast over the South Carolina Capital
Last week President Obama sent 450 more advisors into Iraq to achieve a goal that no one understands, or has any solution for. What the hell can 450 soldiers do that billions of spending haven’t done already. The problem with the
The GOP has it’s panties all in a bunch about the Clinton Initiative; where it’s getting donations from and what’s Bill giving away to get those donations. There is also a huge stink about Bill Clinton’s speaking fees that can reach
All the noise being made in Iowa about the Caucasus, the Straw poll and pig fries reminds me of someone rattling three marbles in an empty bucket. Iowa, along with its fellow noisemakers New Hampshire and South Carolina, ultimately mean nothing in
There was a discussion, recently, of Carly Fiorina and her place is in the Republican election plans for 2016. It was intelligently pointed out, by a GOP spokesman, that she is a huge improvement over Michele Bachman, who was the female attack
Everybody’s going crazy over the TPP. It’s all over the news with Obama calling Elizabeth Warren wrong, and holding out against everyone who thinks that we need to move slowly or not at all. Democrats are fighting the President over what’s in
The discussion about the war in the Middle East goes on and on and on. Our right wing continues to push for boots on the ground, wanting to sacrifice more American kids so a bunch of religious fanatics can continue their endless