Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, two potential GOP candidates for president, both without any platform on which to run, have decided that since they can’t come up with any kind of positive plan fore their presidency, they would come up with,
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The big noise from Texas is actually about a Bigoted Bimbo from Broadway and how she conned her dumb as dirt followers from the Lone Star State into having a cartoon contest where artists from that woebegone state, i.e. anyone who can
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I’m a big sports fan, especially football but the huge noise that was made a few months back and is now being renewed over the off field and on field behavior of professional football players has gotten so blown out of
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The FBI has put out a warning that hundreds of ISIS followers are loose in the land and are getting ready to commit horrendous atrocities all across the country. That may be, but they’ll never catch up to our own gun
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There’s a lot of noise being made over an extremist threat to our malls. Is this a real threat? Probably, but not on any kind of scale like 911 or like the threat that the terrorists present to the nations of
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It’s a hot time for politics in the Republican party. Once they crapped out in Vegas, all the money grubbers headed over to Iowa, spewing their Christian venom, throwing around accusations that bore little or no truth and generally playing clown to
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We are still carrying on about the drone program and for the life of me I can’t see why. I’ve kind of stayed away from this because it always seemed pretty much a no-brainer, but, yes, like almost any argument, there
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The Republican Jewish Coalition Meeting took place last week in Vegas. Sheldon Adelson was holding court as the right wing contenders flocked to kneel at his throne and beg for funds. No one seems to be bothered by all our GOP
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We spend billions each year on Homeland Security and yet some of us live in terror of foreign attacks against the nation, especially a repeat of 911. The fact is that since 911 there have been 42 deaths in this country
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With Hillary having announced, the questions are coming hard and fast. The most important one seems to be over how she will react on questions about Obama. The GOP attack dogs have been going after him for six years. Will she
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