The World According to ?
Rudy Giuliani went on TV yesterday and proved what many of us have known for some time. Rudy is seriously ill. I can’t give you the factual medical terminology or diagnosis. We’ve all known for years that Rudy was a serious
growls from Manhattan
Rudy Giuliani went on TV yesterday and proved what many of us have known for some time. Rudy is seriously ill. I can’t give you the factual medical terminology or diagnosis. We’ve all known for years that Rudy was a serious
There’s a lot of noise being made over an extremist threat to our malls. Is this a real threat? Probably, but not on any kind of scale like 911 or like the threat that the terrorists present to the nations
The TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership is a big time trade agreement that will cripple any environmental control of big business, lose jobs and lower wages in the USA and make ouir lawmakers lose control of our monetary processes. (read encourage
Watching again a tragedy making its appearance on national, or in this case international news. I’m speaking about the disappearance of an Air Asia plane in the South Java Sea and I am again reminded about the way all news media cover
At least two states, Kentucky and Illinois have recently denied state employees access to the information of who is handling their pension money and where it is being invested. Does anyone out there see the idiocy of this stance?
Accomplishment; who did what, is always an important part of any political discussion. Bill Clinton is always thought of as a guy who got stuff done, but it was only because he held office between the two Bushes. What made him
The world in general is up in arms about the atrocities that ISIS has been perpetrating against helpless hostages in the past few months and the question must be asked; doesn’t this make the Arab world understand that those in
Started to read background material on the financial mess that is fighting itself out in congress right now. It seems that the only people who actually understand what is gong on outside Wall Street lawyers are Elizabeth Warren, Bernie
For those who think that Charlie Hebdo had it coming, all I can say is, you missed the point. As soon as you censor any comment you have left the road open to censor them all and I don’t really think
Obama has been trying to get legislation passed on various issues.. A couple of years ago he fought hard to get an immigration bill through congress. It got through the senate but it couldn’t even get a vote in the