Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolman’s Benevolent Association, the largest NYC police union, is exactly the kind of spokesman that the police don’t need. He is exactly what he rages against, a violent, agitator whose comments lead directly toward, what all
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Mark Rogers, the director of security operations for DEF CON, the world’s largest hacker conference and the principal security researcher for the world’s leading mobile security company, Cloudflare, has come out and stated that. the FBI’s statement, accusing North Korea
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It seems quite clear that the Democrats lost this election because the Republicans ran a better campaign. On issue after issue, in poll after poll the American people agreed with the Democrats but still voted Republican. That tells you two big things.
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One of the main platforms on which Mayor DeBlasio got elected this year was his stated desire to provide more affordable housing in a city that oozes people with too much money and not enough places to spend it.
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The standard literary definition of insanity is to continually repeat the same action and expect a different result. Our country has been doing that with Cuba for over 50 years. This week Barak Obama made good on an electoral promise,
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The perception among the American people is that the Republicans swept this election. That’s true but not completely accurate. Every one of the last four Presidents who served two terms lost members of the House and Senate for their parties in
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The Brits voted in Parliament recently to jump into the war against ISIS. The United States Congress, that accumulation of cowardly punks, left town rather than stand up for one position or another on the war. Boehner’s excuse; that it would
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I’ve stayed away from writing about Fergusson, not because I don’t think there is a real problem with our local police departments and bigotry but because I didn’t think that the two victims being ballyhooed by press and public were
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Suicide. There are more and more of them in this world and for more and more reasons, but this column is going to concentrate today on physician assisted suicide which for some God forsaken reason is legal in only five states
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Well, the American people have spoken, at least the ones who count, because if you don’t vote you don’t count, have nothing to say about the results and belong in a dictatorship where your lack of interest is matched by
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