Well, now that the election is out of the way it’s time for all those congressmen who were elected to end our inability to get anything done, to get to work. So with immigration, minimum wage, infrastructure, gerrymandering, etc, all
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A second person has contracted Ebola in the United States and the media has gone bonkers.. I doubt that a nuclear bomb landing n Chicago would cause more panic. How about a little reality check here; one person has died. A
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There has been a lot of talk lately about the election last week, specifically in Kentucky, where prune face, Mitch McConnell ran against Allison Grimes. Grimes had a bad stretch during an interview, when asked if she had voted for Obama in
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I know that it makes for saleable media but we have to stop calling every nutcase who wields a weapon in public a terrorist. Reporters on TV this week whined in horror about the terrorists in Canada and the U.S. who
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“I personally believe in Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, but I am also a killer. I’ve killed a lot and if I need to, I’ll kill a whole bunch more. If you don’t want to get killed don’t show
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As usual, the country is responding to the Ebla crisis the way they respond to everything else. PANIC! There is a leadership aspect to decision-making that has nothing to do with what the people want. The Ebola crisis is a perfect
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The only solution the Middle East is going to get is going to have to be political and religious, not military. We can bomb the hell out of ISIS as long as we want and eventually it will become a recruiting
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The Ebola crisis continues to grow with panic in the streets and all kinds of dumb ideas adding to the ridiculous panic. A school has been closed in Mississippi because the principle had traveled to Zambia, a nation in Africa but
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Melissa Harris-Perry had Ta-Nehsei Coates on her show a while back. This is a seemingly intelligent writer for The Atlantic, who had recently revived the old argument for reparations for the black community for their enforced slavery. It’s an argument
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Has Obama been a good President? Paul Krugman thinks he has. In fact he thinks he is one of the three most important presidents in modern history, mainly because of what he has faced and what he has accomplished. First
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