There’s been an awful uproar of late over the IRS investigations being conducted by our witch hunting congressional committee headed by that salivating bottom feeder, Daryl Issa,. The head of the IRS has been called a liar, which he probably
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Notice how Bowe Bergdhal has disappeared completely from the news? Ever wonder why? Maybe it’s because it was never that big of a story after all. Once he was rescued there wasn’t anything to say. But the GOP had a lot to
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I don’t usually put much faith in political popularity polls but one of them caught my eye the other day. It showed that some segment of the American public, probably the Palin and Cruz families, thought that Barak Obama
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The Supreme Court made the wrong call on the Hobby Lobby They still haven’t figured out that a company is not a person. Maybe they don’t want to figure that one out. But they also made the wrong call on
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The damn Sunday morning talking heads just can’t get off the warmonger drug. It seems that none of them want to realize or admit that the men who get us into a war with Iraq are not the experts they
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Dear Readers, As most of you who are subscribed know, we have been having our troubles for the past couple of weeks. You haven’t been getting the Curmudgeon even though I have been posting two columns a week
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This week in a southern California town called Murrieta, mobs carrying American flags, led by a raging moron wearing a flag hat demonstrated against immigration, stopping buses full of little children on their way to a processing center where a
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This week five intelligent but seemingly senile old men started an argument that could threaten to tear this country apart. I’m speaking, of course, about the Hobby Lobby decision and the repercussions that will echo through the land for the
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This week five intelligent but seemingly senile old men started an argument that could threaten to tear this country apart. I’m speaking, of course, about the Hobby Lobby decision and the repercussions that will echo through the land for the
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Iraq has final exploded and all over the world people are surprised. Why? Haven’t they been paying attention? Suddenly every nut case who needs some tube time is howling for the President to do something. A typical example is Congressman Mike McCaul
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