Like starving rats, the far right is gnawing at the President’s foreign policy, much as they have at Obamacare. Their favorite target is, of course, Benghazi. The only problem is that it wasn’t Obama’s disaster and anyone who has
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It occurs to me that we have a hell of a nerve telling Iran that they have to abide by our nuclear rules when we have the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. Think about it. The guy next door stands on
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The current battle going on between the CIA and Judicial Watch over pictures of Osama bin Laden’s dead body illustrates the reason why informed members of the American public don’t trust their government or its agencies. The CIA
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The Battle for Obamacare goes on. John Dean points out that no huge program, private or public ever gets off the board without glitches and that stands twice as strong for government programs. He also points out that the program is
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Okay, so it’s over but that doesn’t mean that there’s no ugly residue. Sure the GOP wasted someplace between $24 billion and $54 billion, depending who you listen to, hard earned American taxpayer dollars for no good reason but that’s
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Royal Dutch Shell, one of the foreign oil companies that keep running ads on American television informing us what a great bunch of guys they are and how much they’re doing to help America has just been fined $1.1 million for
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The gun debate goes on and on and on , with little resolution between those who think guns are dangerous, no matter who is handling them and those who blather about their rights but are really only referring to
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Let’s forget, for a second that Social Security isn’t an entitlement and try to think the inaccurate way that many politicians talk. Social Security is currently running a $2 trillion surplus. That’s massive and it comes from the
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All the arguments about money in this country come down to the struggle between higher taxes and lower entitlements. If we want to solve this argument and come to some kind of agreement on a middle ground, the first thing
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The gun debate goes on and on and on , with little resolution between those who think guns are dangerous, no matter who is handling them and those who blather about their rights but are really only referring to
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