I watched incredulously yesterday as the President came on TV and announced to the world that the United States, acting unilaterally on information that only a three year old child would readily accept, was going to attack Syrian government forces
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I’ve been raving a lot lately about how our corporate media has failed completely in its mission to inform the American public about what the hell is going on in this country and the world. You want a
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Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison rhis week for informing the American public that its government was committing crimes in its name. The most civilized comment I have run across about this heinous miscarriage of justice is from
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So we are charging Edward Snowden with Espionage. How come we haven’t charged Dick Cheney with espionage? Cheney did more than Snowden to put American agents in danger and to help any foreign government when he instructed his aides Scooter
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British Petroleum, otherwise known as BP, those wonderful people who run all the Sunday morning ads showing happy, laughing people enjoying the beautiful beaches along our gulf coast, the same gulf coast that they coated with oil and death
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Got a note from a friend with whom I once shared a conservative philosophy that is not currently feasible. It included a column by George Will who I have long thought to be one of the most intelligent men in the
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People keep talking abut the failure of the capitalist system but they’re wrong. The capitalist system hasn’t failed. There’s nothing wrong with the system, it’s the people who inhabit it that have failed. It seems that many people who have had
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With Syria slowly evaporating into a smoldering ruin, Egypt exploding on the brink of full scale civil war, Israel ratcheting up its Palestinian problem, Iraq deteriorating into a religious civil war and Iran continuing it expand its nuclear capabilities we are forced
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I spent the weekend discussing Edward Snowden with many of my conservative friends. The principal feeling that came from their circle was that Edward Snowden was a traitor because of the revelations that he has made to date and those that he
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It finally looks like it’s all coming to a head. The Republicans have thrown caution to the winds and are frantically attempting to sabotage Obamacare, threatening to shut down the government if they don’t get their way. After 40
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