People keep talking abut the failure of the capitalist system but they’re wrong. The capitalist system hasn’t failed. There’s nothing wrong with the system, it’s the people who inhabit it that have failed. It seems that many people who have had
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With Syria slowly evaporating into a smoldering ruin, Egypt exploding on the brink of full scale civil war, Israel ratcheting up its Palestinian problem, Iraq deteriorating into a religious civil war and Iran continuing it expand its nuclear capabilities we are forced
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I spent the weekend discussing Edward Snowden with many of my conservative friends. The principal feeling that came from their circle was that Edward Snowden was a traitor because of the revelations that he has made to date and those that he
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It finally looks like it’s all coming to a head. The Republicans have thrown caution to the winds and are frantically attempting to sabotage Obamacare, threatening to shut down the government if they don’t get their way. After 40
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For just about four years now the forces of the right have been campaigning against the ACA, popularly known as Obamacare. Anyone who is aware of today’s headlines knows that they have now given up all pretense of doing
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Watching what has gone on over the Edward Snowden affair, makes me realize the depressing state, to which, American journalism has sunk and the not unexpected lack of interest exhibited by the American public in that, which in actuality,
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Everybody who is not in a coma, must be aware of the big noises being made about both the NSA‘s invasion of privacy and the nation’s need for air-tight security. The far left is screaming that we are turning the country
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The immigration bill that passed the Senate doesn’t look like it’s going to have much of a chance in the House; this, after years of people on both sides of the aisle agreeing that we need a comprehensive immigration
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Elizabeth Warren’s new bill that would cut student loan borrowing rates down to those paid by the big banks for their loans is the best piece of legislation to hit the hill in memory. It’s a no brainer, an
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Mitch McConnell spreads the fertilizer in his latest speech on the immigration bill and why he won’t support it. It seems that it doesn’t meet the “threshold” test for success. What does this mean- nothing. It appears from his jumbled,
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