Frankenputer Pt. 2
The opening segment of this two part text explained how the intelligence community has been busy claiming to protect us while they were invading our privacy and setting us up to lose our freedom. Now we’re going to look at the
growls from Manhattan
The opening segment of this two part text explained how the intelligence community has been busy claiming to protect us while they were invading our privacy and setting us up to lose our freedom. Now we’re going to look at the
In 1969 I designed a three room psychedelic house for the Fender Bass Company’s display at the National Music Makers of America Convention in Chicago. The house, the purpose of which was to display Fender’s instruments, balanced on gimbals; it’s walls
Matt Taibbi a very talented author and reporter who writes a lot about the American financial scene in Rolling Stone, is one of the most important writers around today, mostly because he understands what is, to most of us, a very confusing
Okay, we’re back. We went blank for over a week because I had the need to spend some time with a beautiful , much younger, blonde. That’s what happens to old guys like me. “Papa Biw, pwease come visit me.” And
How the hell did Elizabeth Warren ever get elected to the Senate? She has none of the qualifications. She’s not stupid, or venal or greedy, She worries about the people who elected her instead of the greedy pigs who
At this point, when all the intelligent or logical people have dumped last week’s scandals in the garbage, where they belong, the Sunday morning talking heads, with a bewildering inability to find anything in the world worth discussing, have clung to
How come the members of the lynch mob are all wearing U.S. Army uniforms? The trial of whistleblower Bradley Manning started on Monday June 3rd. 2013. Until Edward Snowden showed up, Manning was easily the most famous and most controversial whistleblower since
Well, the city has finally taken its bike program to the next, illogical step. No longer satisfied that the citizens of the city have to dodge untrained morons on their own bikes, our Mayor and Traffic Commissioner have now unleashed
I hope that’s a headline that makes most of you angry, because if it does that to enough of you, maybe, just maybe we can reverse the trend. I don’t know how long the taint of cowardice has been
Much like the media and right wing outcry over the attack on Benghazi really has nothing to do with Americans getting killed and everything to do with a political attack on the White House. So does the attack on the