To Big to What?
I would like to think of Eric Holder as cowardly and incompetent which would make our current situation with the Attorney General’s Office and the banks an easy one to understand and solve, but like most things in life, it
growls from Manhattan
I would like to think of Eric Holder as cowardly and incompetent which would make our current situation with the Attorney General’s Office and the banks an easy one to understand and solve, but like most things in life, it
The madness over the past week has taught us a number of lessons and hopefully it has adjusted some concepts about terrorism, the American spirit and just what is important to the way we live in these times, in this
The media is truly amazing. I’m sitting in my office watching Meet The Press where Mike Murphy, a GOP strategist and David Stockman, a hack economist who takes his cues from Wall Street are trying to convince the audience that the only
David Ignatius commentd on Chris Matthew’s show hat Chris Christie would eat Jeb Bush if they ever went head to head in a presidential debate. Why not, Christie already looks like he ate both the Georges and had Barbara for
Welfare is definitely the main problem in this country; it’s destroying our economy and causing our national deficit to soar. Did I get your attention, all you Right wing conservatives? Do I hear your cheers, all you Tea Party slugs? Well don’t
The gun battle goes on. It looks at this minute, like nothing will actually get done, despite yeoman-like efforts by the President and many pro-regulation backers to get something on the books. But why isn’t it getting done? Mainly because
There’s been a lot of noise made lately about drones, and how they are an immoral weapon in our war against terrorism, but in attacking drones, I really think that we are wasting our ammunition and shooting at the wrong target.
I really didn’t want to get into the marriage controversy. The argument has always seemed too stupid to deal with. I mean who cares who marries who? What difference could it possibly make to anyone, who his next-door neighbor married?
“Crap and mendacity, that’s what Big Daddy says”, wrote Tennessee Williams and boy was he on target. It is the major tenant of all our current communication networks. I keep getting emails from my Right wing friends filled with accusations
For those of us who grew up in the shadow of WWII, fear was something with which we had a more than passing acquaintance. The first time I felt fear was sitting in our living room in Cliffside Park,