Well, the Republican pundits have stopped braying about how we should get off all the small stuff and get on the big job of creating jobs. They obviously felt that way during the election because Obama’s record on it
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A few weeks ago, I received a letter from the president of the University of Notre Dame, from which I graduated over fifty years ago. I get the impression that the letter had been sent to all contributing alumni. I
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This Friday the nation was shocked by a horrifying crime. Those of you who have read this column for any length of time know that I am an adamant advocate of serious gun control. This despite the fact that for
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There has been a lot of discussion, mosty on the Right, about cutting down the size of government. It’s a pretty senseless argument because anyone who has reached the age of seven should be able to understand why we need
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Looking back, now that it’s all over, one sees an inevitability in what happened in the recent presidential election. I find it hilarious that a good cross-section of Republicans are now attacking Romney almost as viciously as they did Obama before
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The Republicans love to run up the flag by attacking Obama about his supposedly apologizing to foreign countries about America. Well, sometimes we need to apologize for the dumb and antagonistic things we do but what Obama has really been
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The latest massacre in Colorado has not and will not make any impression on what remains of the gun debate. We are a warlike nation of killers and we will remain that way regardless of how many psychos mow down our
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I have always been one of the most ardent backers of nuclear energy. I was one of the many to point out that the entire human damage done throughout the world by Chernobyl from the time of that accident, until
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I was having a discussion the other day, with my son, who is in the business of developing real estate. He was upset at the fact that there are people out in the marketplace who have stopped paying on their mortgages
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On This Week with Whoever Shows Up, Ed Gillespie, the Republican Party’s attack liar used a quote by George Stephanopoulos. George noted the misquote but didn’t even have the stones to seriously call him on it. What use is a host
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