The Dolan Dilemma
I got a big laugh today when my furious wife forwarded this piece of trash to me, demanding that I reply to Cardinal Timothy Dolan with one of “Your” letters. Normally I would ignore this kind of stupidity from the
growls from Manhattan
I got a big laugh today when my furious wife forwarded this piece of trash to me, demanding that I reply to Cardinal Timothy Dolan with one of “Your” letters. Normally I would ignore this kind of stupidity from the
There has been a lot said by the clown princes and princesses of Sunday morning TV about the antics of Joe Biden during the VP debate. The main complaint seems to be that Biden lowered the tone of the debates
Did you know that 352 members of congress have left office since 1998? Did you know that 278 of them, 79%, have become lobbyists? That’s why nothing works for anyone but the rich. *** The seeming ease with which three
The most important thing that Bill Clinton did in his speech at the convention was to remind voters, why they had elected Barak Obama. That is the key to any success that Obama will have in this election and just
If you are a Republican and if you’ve been looking, desperately, to the debates, hoping against hope that they will provide some kind of life preserver for you’re here-to-fore, bumbling, inept candidate, your prayers have been answered. I have
The question the Right loves to ask; how does Obama plan to create jobs if he manages to win the election. After all he has been only moderately successful so far and that success has not happened fast enough
The problem with the right is that they rail against government’s intrusion in the corporate policies that are being used to defraud the American people while they encourage that same government to intrude itself into the bedrooms of men
In a world full of problems the most complaints seem to hover around taxes, unemployment and the poisoned environment. Well, fellow complainers, you can relax. There is a solution out there that will solve all three problems. All we need
I’ve often been, rightfully, accused of labeling Republicans as liars. The fact is that although I believe they are the biggest liars, they are not the only ones and it’s getting so bad that you can’t watch any group
The Mittster is at it again, only this time it wasn’t yesterday or today, this time it was back in May at a private get together of a few billionaire friends where Mitt thought he could say what ever came