Well, the Court ruled and now everyone has to live with it, everyone except the Teabaggers and the far right. They’re still, hanging onto their anger, jumping up and down, whining like spoiled little brats and trying for the 33rd time to
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In a political climate where the public is angry and basically uninformed, the President is trying to get re-elected in the face of heavily funded attack ads that have already proven, to be full of lies and half-truths; ads that falsely state
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I keep reading articles about how liberals don’t understand conservatives but it works both ways. If conservatives truly understood liberals they would find it ridiculously easy to drive them crazy. Let me play out a little scenario. George Lucas, one of our
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As everyone knows who reads this blog, I have never held back on attacks against Jamie Dimon, head of JPMorgan Chase. In truth I have been very vocal in my condemnation of him and his compatriots as major causes of the funk
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I have always been one of the most ardent backers of nuclear energy. I was one of the many to point out that the entire human damage done throughout the world by Chernobyl from the time of the accident, until now, did
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I am as much against many of the new and proposed laws controlling our freedom of speech and movement as any one else on the planet but I am also against what has become the newest defense of various terrorists, nut cases
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For thousands of years, religions have formed around the concept that man needs someone to blame his problems on, and the convenient answer to that quest has always been called God. Of course if man was going to blame God for all
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Dan Rather’s latest book reminds us what a scurvy little slime our last president was and makes one wonder why the GOP wasn’t glad to replace him with anyone instead of being furious that we now have a charming, hard working replacement.
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Weak willed pundits like Robert Sheer who accuse Obama for doing the very things they elected him to do, are missing the point of his focused, no feet on the ground, battle with the world’s terrorists. You can’t have it both ways,
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The economy stinks. Obama has not fixed it in three years plus. He is wholly responsible for the financial crisis. Mitt Romney and his billionaire boyfriends are spending hundreds of millions to sell you this baloney. They are not above lying like
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