For thousands of years, religions have formed around the concept that man needs someone to blame his problems on, and the convenient answer to that quest has always been called God. Of course if man was going to blame God for all
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Dan Rather’s latest book reminds us what a scurvy little slime our last president was and makes one wonder why the GOP wasn’t glad to replace him with anyone instead of being furious that we now have a charming, hard working replacement.
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Weak willed pundits like Robert Sheer who accuse Obama for doing the very things they elected him to do, are missing the point of his focused, no feet on the ground, battle with the world’s terrorists. You can’t have it both ways,
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The economy stinks. Obama has not fixed it in three years plus. He is wholly responsible for the financial crisis. Mitt Romney and his billionaire boyfriends are spending hundreds of millions to sell you this baloney. They are not above lying like
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The NRA can whine all it wants about gun control robbing us of our freedom but if you want to take a look at the real curtailment of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms all you have to do is look at the right’s
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I believe in the backfire. I believe that acts have consequences. That’s why I’m glad that Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson held that the EPA had exceeded its authority when it revoked a permit for Arch Coal to move ahead with the
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Now that the GOP has flushed the clowns down the drain and seemingly settled on its,” presumptive,” I think that’s the word they’re using, candidate, I see that they are really getting serous about their latest great lie campaign. Look, I know
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Joe Nocera in the New York Times has attacked the NCAA with accusations on various levels against that not so august body. Nocera’s most vociferous complaint, however, that the colleges make huge amounts of money on the play of student athletes and
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While the Romney camp celebrates its victories over what is incontrovertibly the dumbest, most untruthful, seriously inept cast of comic characters in the history of American politics and Obama tries to figure out which cowardly Democratic congressmen can be counted on to
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When people on the Right attack people on the Left for calling them liars and stupid they should understand that there is a basis for those accusations and that, that basis is the GOP’s current presidential candidate. Yes, Romney’s at it again,
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