What actually happened on ABC’s This Week? Did Stephanopoulos decide that he needed more face time on an important show or did Christiane Amanpour decide that she needed to get back in the field, a place where she is the complete package,
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For those who have been paying attention you know that president Barak Obama sold the constitution and a lot of American freedoms down the river Saturday when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act, thereby robbing us of the right of habeas
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I really don’t know what’s wrong with the morons in congress. I’m not talking right or left here, I’ m talking stupid. With all the work they have to do on a disastrous economy, failed infrastructure and a collapsing educational system they
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Received my most positive feedback from the 11/24 blog “OWS and Why We need It,” but interestingly enough I also got a great deal of negative feedback over my suggestion that one of the cures for our problems was one or a
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I was checking out MoveOn.com’s The Daily Share and came across three of the most moving pieces that I have seen in years. What made them interesting is that the were each moving for a different reason and in a different way.
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I keep reading the steaming pile that comes out of big oil’s advertising mills and lobbyist promotions and I’m forced to gag every time they turn out more lying crap and the American public swallows it. When are we going to learn
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I am constantly bemused at the way the Right, vigorously attacks any form of humanitarian cause, as if it were the instrument of the collapse of all social networks. I was reading a column by Susan Smith Dale another of the Right
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So finally the Democrats and Republicans have found something on which they can agree and as one would expect it’s a catastrophe. A bill drafted in secret by Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting
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The American middle class was built on factory jobs but that’s over, finished. It cannot be rebuilt on factory jobs because the kind of factory job it was built on practically doesn’t exist anymore and when it does, it’s being done by
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The hideous atrocities perpetrated by police across the nation against the OWS demonstrators are a brightly illuminated example of the sickness of our country. We saw it forty years ago in the late 60’s and 70’s but those cops had an emotional
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