The FBI has put out a warning that hundreds of ISIS followers are loose in the land and are getting ready to commit horrendous atrocities all across the country. That may be, but they’ll never catch up to our own gun owners who kill up to 30,000 fellow citizens every year. Them pathetic A-rabs just ain’t got the firepower that our security minded gun owners can come up with.
Watching Homeland Security chief Johnson and FBI director, Comey push the threat of danger through the roof one beings to suspect that it may be more about congressional appropriations than it is about crazed Arabs. It also may be about the judicial decision to limit NSA in their invasion of the American people’s privacy. The reality is that it’s probably about a little of both and not really much about security. The 42 Americans killed by Arab terrorists since 2001 pales before what terrorists have done abroad and more than pales before what our own gun owners have done here in that same period.
Sure we live in a smaller and therefore more dangerous world but aside from 911 we have had vey few examples of terrorism here, compared with the rest of the world, especially considering our propensity to get into everybody’s business, which makes us deserved targets of every nut on the planet.
Meanwhile, down in Texas, the federal Government is massing troops to take over the state and put it under marshal law; or so says Greg Abbott the moron who sits in the statehouse. Much of this noise, was promulgated by a clown named Alex Jones, a right wing radio talk show host who needed to get a little more attention before his ratings doomed him to the three AM time slot
But being the kind of trailer park trash that most of his listeners are, the story has gotten legs and now even Ted Cruz is using it to push his various phony agendas.
The solution to the problem is very simple. Obama should accommodate the morons and pull all our military bases and installations out of Texas, thereby alleviating he fears of the too dumb to breathe Texans who are worried about a government takeover and in the same move lightening the state treasury by the billions of dollars in federal money that goes into the state to sustain these facilities along with the millions spent and run through the Texas economy by the men stationed there. I am sure that Arizona, New Mexico, Arkansas, Nevada and all the other states in the region would welcome the governments, Marshall law threat with open arms
But why are the Texans so worried about Marshall law? Maybe it’s because down deep they know that they need and deserve it; that any accumulation of citizens that project an image as universally ignorant, pathologically paranoid and functionally pugilistic as do Texans, definitely needs adult supervision.
Greta Van Susteren made the most intelligent statement on the mess in Garland, Texas when she pointed out that she was absolutely 100% behind Jessica Geller’s right to create the absolutely stupid event she did but that with the right to free speech comes the necessity of making judgment decisions and that Geller should have made the correct decision, which was not to hold the contest at all.
A lot has been made of these two guys who went down there and got shot, as being the advance guard of a terrorist invasion. Bullshit! These guys, regardless of what they said on Twitter, weren’t terrorists. They were righteously pissed off Muslims who overreacted and got blown away. If I were a religious person and you insulted my God or my prophet, I would seriously consider retaliation. No, I wouldn’t run down to your pig sty and start shooting but that is only because I am slightly more evolved than the two Muslim nuts this weekend and come to think of it, many Muslim clerics over in the Middle East.
The bottom line here is that Geller’s cartoon clowns were very lucky. They really deserved to get their brains blown out simply because they weren’t using them for anything except to balance their skulls. The kind of brainless stupidity displayed by them and their Bimbo leader deserved no better fate.
It’s martial law