Th Big Question

The big question is here yet again. It was asked of Speaker Johnson on This Week.” Did Biden win the 2020 election?” Johnson refused to answer. Why? Why are all the Trumpets afraid to answer that question? Yes, it’s a dumb question to ask now  but it’s dumber not to answer it.

Johnson babbles about just wanting to deal with a GOP platform, but that’s a  Republican  fantasy with no basis in reality. The Republicans don’t have a platform, never did. They only mumble slogans and shout conspiracy theories. The latest seems to be that the Democrats are conjuring up assassins that they are sending out to kill Trump. I don’t believe that either of the shooters has been established as a Democrat but if they had been it still wouldn’t prove anything. They are simply nut cases, disturbed men with no control of reality. Their lack of functionality in the way they screwed up the attempts indicates that they are Republican, but we really don’t want to go there.


Ta-Nehisi Coates  is a philosopher, journalist and teacher who confronts Israel’s responsibility for the almost 50,000 deaths, mostly civilian, that are the result of Netanyahu’s retaliation for the Oct 7th Hamas attack on Israel and goes on to accuse the nation of Israel of apartheid-like treatment of non-Jewish residents of the West Bank in the years leading up to the 10/7 attack.

In a world where most fair-minded commentators are, at the very least neutral on the subject of Israel’s oppression of its Muslim residents, it’s equally difficult to come by  any individual of stature who is willing to identify Israel’s oppression of West Bank Palestinians as a justification of Hamas brutal attack. Hamas attack on 10/7 was so viscous, so heinous, that many feel any form of retaliation was justified. Coates makes a case based on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians before 10/7 being the reason for that barbaric attack.

That treatment, Coates implies, runs parallel to that of white South Africa’s treatment of blacks during apartheid. It’s not a difficult parallel to draw except that there are many who would say, said treatment of the Palestinians under their control by the Israelis was brought on by a failure of Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and a general agreement of Muslim leadership geographically surrounding Israel, who are of the opinion  that Israel has no right to exist.

That is the point made by French philosopher Bernard Henri Levy in a spirted defense of  Israels treatment of Palestinians living on the West Bank prior to 10/7. I’ve never been a big fan of Levy, but he certainly has a point in this debate.

Both Levy and Coates appeared on GPS with Fareed Zacharia acting as moderator, but they were not, unfortunately, opposite each other. They each had their own segments and never had the chance to clash head-to-head.

Here are two extremely intelligent men with absolutely opposing positions based on specific  facts and logic. It would make a hell of a debate


Speaking about facts and logic or more like the absence of either, Donald Trump plans to appear at Madison Square Garden on 10/27 to bring his version of political fantasy to the Empire State. There are many who wonder why? This is a seriously Democratic State with a nasty underbelly of widely separated Right Wing fanatics, particularly in ethnically solid areas like Staten and Long Island.

Bringing nineteen thousand Nazi’s to a venue in the heart of Manhattan is really asking for trouble. It will take every last uniform available to keep this from turning into an old- fashioned riot, as the anti-Trumpers surround the Garden, and the neo-Nazi followers try to get in. Don’t forget fans, the people the Trumpets are going to have to deal with aren’t disciplined police trying to keep the peace like the ones in Washington on 1/6. This could be a real donnybrook.


There’s one thing you can say about Donald Trump, the twice impeached, four times indicted, convicted felon, that wants to run this country again. He doesn’t have any idea of what to do as President that will help the people he wants to rule. Sure, he knows what he wants for himself, but that has very little to do with what the citizens wants and needs. That’s because he just doesn’t give a shit what the people of this country want or need. He cares only about what he wants. He has no concept of public service. He probably feels that those that do are suckers and losers just like the military folks he denigrates at every chance.

So why does he want to be President again after he did such a terrible job the last time?

Power! The ability to control everything that needs to be controlled in order to get everything he wants. That includes power over women, power over anyone who disagrees with him and the power to get even with anyone who has gone against him in any way in the past. He isn’t looking to make a better country for the people. He only wants to make a better country for himself. He wants to be King of America. This is a sleaze I wouldn’t let walk my rat, but he wants to be King of America. It’s up to the people of America to keep him from that goal. It’s up to the people of America to make sure that Kamala Harris is the next President of the United States.


Barak Obama was a pretty good President, but he’s been a great ex-President and he’s getting better all the time. Every time he takes a mic into his hand, he has something important to say. His advice to young black men the other night was spot on, and he was the perfect one to give it.

Now we need someone to make the same connection with young Latino voters that he has with young black voters because it’s time they were clued in on the fact that Trump hates them even more than he does blacks and given half a chance he will be throwing them and their families out of the country. This isn’t debatable. He tells them what he’s going to do every time he opens his fetid mouth. He calls them thieves, rapists and murderers and he promises white, red neck voters that  he will stop immigrants (read Latinos) from entering the country and taking their jobs. If this is who you really want to be your President you deserve him.

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