The Big Interview That Wasn’t

Tom Cotton ® AK, thinks we had a great four years under Donald Trump and claims that the Biden administration has been a disaster. Of course, you have to consider that Cotton is dumb as a post. He thinks Trump’s “untax the rich” legislation was the best thing since sliced bread.

Cotton expressed the opinion on This Week, that the unrest across the globe is somehow the fault of the Biden administration. In fact, it was Trump’s friendship and support that led Putin to think the United States would support him in his invasion of Ukraine. It’s why Putin appears to have abandoned Trump now.

Cotton seems to be existing in some nether world of Trumpian fantasy when he speaks about the great opportunities that women had under Trump. Is he speaking about the lawsuits they could file after being  groped by the fat pig or the travel they could have indulged in as part of their search for an abortion?


Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance was on Meet the Press his week trying to defend tariffs. He didn’t look so good.  His point was, said tariffs didn’t cause the consumers to spend more for the goods and services they were buying, which was a little difficult to defend because the definition of tariff is “a tax” on imported goods and services, typically used to increase the price of said goods benefitting American labor in competition with foreign labor. They are also used occasionally as a penalty in foreign disagreements. In either case they always increase he cost of domestic goods and services.

Vance talks a lot about bringing manufacturing jobs back to this country, but Biden has already done that. To date Biden has increased manufacturing jobs by 6.5%. That’s, the largest increase of any president in recent history. Trump increased manufacturing jobs by 3.4% slightly more than half Bidens rate.

Those are the numbers. Trump can lie about them all he wants, but they will not change just to please him. The fact is, Biden stomped his ass on manufacturing jobs just like he did on almost every category of economic growth.


To mic or not to mic, that is the question. At least it will be until we arrive at the Presidential debate on September 10.

The Trump people tell us they want muted microphones just like in the Biden debate, even though it appears Trump would do better with open microphones. The Harris camp says they haven’t signed off on shutting off microphones even though it appears she would benefit by having a muzzle on the fat liar.

Who would really benefit? Would it be better for Harris to allow Trump or make as big an ill-mannered ass of himself as possible, or would it benefit Trump to allow him to talk down the Vice President?


As if he needed to prove what a useless scumbag he really is, Donald Trump, after years of denigrating our military heroes, decided the other day to  move his scurvy  public relations operation into Arlington National Cemetery, complete with photo ops, which are prohibited  for electioneering purposes. Of course, Trump doesn’t give a damn about such prohibitions. Why should he, when he mocks our military heroes with such labels as “sucker” or “loser?”

An interesting sidelight to the trip to Arlington is that it was organized by Chris La Civita,  the same sleaze who put together the lying Swift Boat campaign against John Kerry during the 2004 presidential race. This is what La Civita does, he leads lying campaigns against rival politicians. He knew about the prohibitions against taking pictures in that section of Arlington, but he gave his people the go ahead anyhow. La Civita is the perfect turd to be on a Trump team.

Sure, you can say Trump should know better and he probably does, but he just doesn’t care. He never has, not about anything except how to promote the Trump image. Of course, part of being stupid is being crass enough not to have any understanding about anyone else’s  feelings on anything. Is that the condition we want to feature in a President?

It’s hard to believe that anyone seeking any job, or any kind of approbation, would be as unfeeling as Trump has been in regard to our military dead, but all the evidence is right there, in front of us.  With the evidence being so clear, we can only draw one of two conclusions. Either the Trump voters really see some compelling personal gain by putting him in office or, those same voters are too brute stupid to realize that he has been conning them for the last eight years.

Now we must understand that Trump and his thugs were invited to the cemetery by members of the family of Sgt. Taylor Hoover, a fallen American soldier who was killed at Kabul airport during the American evacuation of Afghanistan. That said we should also understand that the Trump contingent was approached by a female official of the cemetery and informed that taking pictures in that section of the cemetery was a violation of Federal Law. The Trumpian reaction of these thugs was to threaten this woman and then shove her until she surrendered the field to the barbarian scum. This is exactly the kind of shit that Trump expects to get away with. It’s why he is awaiting sentencing on 34 criminal convictions from his NY trial. It’s why he will never be acceptable as President in this country, and it’s why his future should hold nothing but long jail sentences.

The Presidency is all about service and sacrifice, neither of which has ever invaded Trump’s small brain. The picture of him posing with the members of the family, grinning like a monkey, and giving the honored dead the thumbs up is so disrespectful as to be an insult to every hero buried in Arlington.  We know he has insulted all our honored war dead many times. Does this dunce expect us to now believe that he has the smallest modicum of respect for them? Where the hell did that come from?


Dana Bash finally had her shot at Harris and Walz Thursday night, and she blew it, asking creampuff questions and continually letting them off the hook. Or maybe they just had the right answers.

Walz avoided answering the inevitable question about his military service by saying that he stands by who he is, and that people know him. But people don’t know him. He may be the least known Vice-Presidential candidate in memory and Dana just let it pass.

On the other hand, Harris answered everything. There were times when she answered by using the stock stuff she’s been using at the rallies, but it was true and effective and if anyone is delusional enough to think that Trump could have done any better, they have to cut back on the crack.

If Harris maintains this level of performance at the debates, she will cut the stumbling, inept  Trump to ribbons

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