Some guy with the unlikely name of Charles M. Blow got the center section of the New York Times OP-Ed page a short while ago just so he could explain that people in this country don’t really blame the Republicans for the shooting in Tuscon. Sure, the far left would love us all to think that the far right is to blame because of all the violent lying rhetoric that spews from the degenerate mouths of the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck but reasonable people understand that the shooter was a nut case and more motivated by his own personal demons than any of the idiotic vitriol created by the Sharron Angels and Michelle Bachmans of the world.
As the president suggested in his memorial speech, there is plenty of blame to go around. Yes, there is, but again, no reasonable person will concede that the blame should be equally proportioned and I’m no longer speaking about the shooting but about the corrosive condition in which our country now finds itself.
There is one group that is against any kind of gun control, even for insane people or for buying assault weapons whose only function is the murder of human beings.
There is one group that caused the country to fall into a great economic collapse and then refused to do anything to help it recover because they are being petulant about the fact that a black man is president.
That same group has fought a health care bill that is almost exactly the same as the one that was promoted by their own Bob Dole a few years back and they have done it only because they want our president to fail.
There is only one group that is against any kind of bank, real estate or financial regulation despite the fact that the rescinding of those regulations, regulations that were set up after the great depression and worked for fifty years, has led to our current economic woes.
There is only one group that insisted on keeping a 3% savings on taxes for those who earn the top 1% of income in the country despite the fact that it will add $800 billion over the next ten years to the national debt. This after they created a campaign aimed at reducing the national debt.
No matter how much one tries to be balanced one finds it hard not to see the facts and the facts say that there is blame to be apportioned and the greater share of it must go to the Republicans and the Tea Party nuts, no matter how even minded the President wants us to be.
These same right-wingers spend all their time screaming against:
1-Health Care
2-Cap & Trade
4-End of Life counseling
5-Our monetary policy
And who originally instituted these policies?
1-Bob Dole
2-John McCain
3-George Bush
4-Johnny Isakson
5-Milton Friedman
And what Party do they all belong to?
The Republican Party.
Does any of this make sense?