The House Stinks from the Head

The Republicans started out the new session of congress by once again proving that they know a hell of a lot about winning elections but damned little about governing.

The new session began with a reading of the Constitution. Was that to prove that they were aware of a document that their former leader, George Bush, had ignored or just that they could read? Maybe it would have been good if they had been aware of the Constitution before they ran for office. But that would probably only put a chink in the way they like to do business.

John Boehner loves to brag about carrying a copy of the Constitution with him at all times. In the process of making this statement the other day and possibly to show that he wasn’t lying, he began reciting it from memory. Only problem was that he was reciting not the Constitution but the Declaration of Independence. Oh well, nobody’s perfect. It would be nice though, if the Speaker of the House were at least marginally intelligent.

As soon as they stumbled their way through the Constitution the Republican’s got ready to vote to repeal the Healthcare Bill, an act that they already knew was futile but then why should they care about wasting the country’s time or the taxpayers money? It’s like they are doing everything they can just to prove how inept they really are. I thought Bush had proved that for eight years but it seems Boehner is determined to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt.


I’m not a big Jay Leno fan, but he does one of the most illuminating segments in television today. It’s called Jay Walking. He goes out on the street and asks people, some of them college students or graduates the simplest of questions.  “To whom was Martha Washington married?” and of course they don’t know the answers proving over and over again that we are, to a surprisingly great extent, a dumb nation and that therefore, left to our own devices, we will elect dumb politicians.

It goes without saying that those dumb congressmen are always busy trying to prove the truth of the above statement. Take Steve King ® Iowa. Not only is he dumb but he always seems to feel the need to prove it and to drag God into the equation. Just the other day, he was heard to proclaim that God was against the Healthcare Bill. How did he find this out? Does he speak to God? Did he bother to ask God, if he was against it, how come he let it pass? Or did he ask him, if he was against Healthcare, how come he let people get sick? Yes these are stupid questions but no dumber than King’s statement.

Of course when you’re dumb you always have to prove it. Being dumb means you’re not smart enough to hide how dumb you are. So right after the God/Healthcare flub King went on to declare that John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor had, “established their integrity and their mendacity for years in the congress.” Just in case there’s someone out there besides King who doesn’t know what mendacity means, he had just called Boehner and Cantor liars. So does all that mean that King calls them the way he sees them, or is he just dumb a post?

And while we’re speaking about dumb let’s not forget Eric Cantor. Yes those two words can appear in the same sentence…very comfortably. Why? Well, for the last three years the Republicans have been screaming about cutting the budget so they can cut the deficit. Sunday morning on Meet the Press Cantor proved once again, when he couldn’t come up with a single item that would support those proposed cuts, that the Republicans haven’t got a clue. Why would anyone go on national television, profess a particular position and not be able to articulate the reasons, or in this case the means, to achieve that position? It’s just stupid. Does he really need face time that badly or is his ego just that much greater than his intelligence?

Harry Reid, not my favorite politician, finally came out this week with a reasonable statement on social security, admitting that it’s in good shape, not any danger to the deficit, and that it will be in good shape for the next forty years. Finally a politician who sees and admits what everyone who has studied social security already knows, that social security will be fine if the rest of the government will stop illegally taking money from it to finance other programs. But when asked about social security, Cantor babbled on without specificity about it needing to be cut. So is he too lazy to read up on his subject or too brain dead to understand what he reads?

Let’s look at his position on Healthcare. He wants to kill the current law but when asked what he wants to substitute for it he has, like the rest of his cohorts, no ready answer. The Republicans have been attacking the Healthcare Bill since it was proposed. Okay, you don’t like it; what have you got to replace it with? Everyone agreed that we couldn’t go on the way we had been, not if we didn’t want to go broke.  So that meant we had to try something else. That something else was the Healthcare Bill. But the Republican’s hate the Healthcare Bill. Why, because the Democrats passed it and not them. They want to replace it with something that they author, but they haven’t authored anything, and if you really listen to them you realize that they haven’t thought about anything either. They just don’t want what the Democrats created.

But like a bunch of lazy, boozy frat boys who party and get plastered all year, and then cram the night before an exam, the Republican’s just won’t do their homework. We‘re going to look into it. We’ll form a committee to see what we should do about it. For Christ’s sake, this has been going on for three years. Don’t you think you should, maybe, get off your butts and at least find out what the argument’s about?

When asked if he thought Obama had become a moderate, Cantor once again could give no straight answer. He is so used to sliding around questions and avoiding having an opinion that he just isn’t able to give a straight answer or express an honest opinion of his own. He’s just another handsome, well-groomed, plastic suit, a ventriloquist’s dummy for the party line. When he was asked by Gregory, if he repudiated the idiotic lunatics who keep insisting that Obama was not born here, he again refused to give a straight answer. He is so panicked about losing even those few fringe votes that he can’t bring himself to have a legitimate opinion. God! What a spineless piece of garbage.