Trump snuck out of the country the other day and went where he never had the guts to go before; a war zone. Out draft dodging President went to see the troops in Iraq for Christmas, mainly because he was lonesome in the White House after he shut down our government over his wall and had nobody to play with, and also because his advisors told him to stop being a little punk and get his ass over there. With all the crap he’s been getting into he needed a little bit ofgood press.
Of course, by the time he landed in Iraq, all he could talk about was how terrifying the journey was. Almost every President before him went to a war zone and none of them felt obligated to tell the troops how brave they were to have taken the trip. I mean, after all, he was visiting guys and gals who are actually getting shot at.
But what’s really significant is what he talked about to the troops. After telling them how brave he was to visit this dangerous place, he lied about how the Democrats were screwing him because he had shut down the government and how it was all Nancy Pelosi’s fault. Most of us were surprised that he didn’t blame the shutdown on Hillary’s emails. But more importantly, he told the troops that he was pulling out of Syria because everybody has been playing us for suckers. Was that really the perfect thing to tell people who are putting their lives on the line? “You’re all suckers for caring about your country.” Of course that’s exactly how Trump feels about anything that doesn’t pay him money.
Trump believes that the only way you can win is if somebody loses. A good deal for him is one in which you crush the other guy. He just doesn’t understand the basic concept of deal making, which states that a good deal is one in which both guys get something they want and give up something they didn’t want to give up. So because there isn’t a positive cash flow out of our military operations, Trump thinks we are losers and suckers. He just doesn’t understand the concept of making an investment in world peace because that doesn’t have a dollar sign on it. There is no obvious cash flow from peace so if we spend money on it, we’re suckers.
Trum just doesn’t understand that the reason we haven’t had WWIII is because of the alliances we built after WWII. He just doesn’t get that we haven’t had a world war in 70 years because of agreements like NATO. Russia can make noise about a new missile technology and they can rattle their nukes as much as they like but they will never attack anyone in Europe or the America’s as long as NATO exists.
Trump is just too stupid to understand this simple fact. Or maybe he does, and he’s taking orders from the kremlin.
We have a twenty billion dollar GDP. We spend a small percentage of that on our military and other security. That’s nothing for what it gives us back. It allows us to live free, but it also allows us to be part of a global marketplace that would not exist but for the safety and security provided by our international alliances. But Trump is too uneducated and too stupid to get this.
When Trump stole the Presidency we were the strongest and wealthiest nation on earth. We were the beacon of freedom and hope. In his ignorance he invented a cute little catch phrase, “Make America Great Again,” which fit on baseball caps but had no validity in reality. America was great then and, no thanks to Trump it still is! The only hedge is whether it can continue to be great with that terminal asshole trying his best to destroy it.
Watched a real dummy, Michael Burgess ® Texas try to explain why we need the wall and how Mexico and Central American countries would pay for it as ……… mocked him and his inability to even understand his own point. This low-grade moron was elected by dumb people in Texas to lead. How? He isn’t competent to go to the john by himself, let alone lead anybody anywhere. So how did this idiot manage to come to any conclusion about the wall by himself? Well he didn’t, He was told what to say by Trump and his sycophants like Sara Saunders and Steve Miller. So how can we expect a guy like this to have any rational concepts? I normally just dismiss assholes like Burgess but I got so mad at him I decided to find out who he is, why he is the way he is and how a klutz like him ever got elected to Congress.
Michael C. Burgess comes from parents who emigrated from Canada, our leading source of illegal immigrants. It’s easy to emigrate from Canada because most Canadians are white.
He went to medical school in Texas and did his residency in obstetrics and gynecology. The thought of this clown treating my wife or child turns my stomach.
He won election to the House in the Northern district of Texas that includes Denton. He won originally, when his opponent was implicated in a series of crimes during the election. In November, he won his 8thconsecutive re-election. So he’s been in the House, a longstanding member of the Tea Party, for over 14 years, but in all that time he is yet to introduce his first piece of legislation. Here I thought that creating legislation to right the wrongs perpetrated by former legislatures was the reason for people to be in congress. Obviously Mr. Burgess doesn’t believe that. He just wants to take up a seat and get paid for it. He made a big mistake when he went on the tube, where there is some need to be able to express oneself on at least a third grade level. He failed, so in two years we will see if the voters who haven’t paid any attention to 14 years of failure will continue their embarrassing dereliction of voting duty.
Burgess’ inability to articulate Trump’s newest plan to pay for the wall isn’t because he’s stupid, which he obviously is, but because the plan itself is ridiculous. The Liar in the White House raved for three years about how Mexico was going to pay for the wall but now that he has closed down our government because Mexico won’t pay for his wall and the Democrats won’t use our taxpayer’s money to pay for what he considers the Mexican’s responsibility, Trump has changed his pitch.
The wall will pay for itself! Really? How is he going to manage that? Will there be token booths at specifically arranged cracks where illegal immigrants can squeeze through if they pay a fare? Trump and the unqualified fools who follow him are currently trying to sell the ridiculous idea that the money will somehow come from the recently installed tariffs, but that cancerous concept has already cost American consumers and manufacturers hundreds of millions and was a primary inspiration for the current market dive. Okay asshole, what else have you got?
Trump bragged, live on the tube, in a press conference with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, that he would assume full responsibility for shutting down the government; it was on him, he stated firmly and it was his deal. Well the government has shut down and over half-a-million government workers want Trump’s hide.
So Mick Mulvaney, the new, Acting Chief of Staff, , steps in and proves that he is not quite as big a liar as Trump, but possibly a bit smarter, as he tries to deflect guilt from the Liar in the White House to Nancy Pelosi. Mick should know it’s too soon. We still have the image of the fat moron swearing that it’s his responsibility. Trump wanted to act like a big man and instead he acted like a dumb one, and now he owns the shutdown, even as the GOP chokes on it.
For three years we listened to Donald Trump babble about a wall that any intelligent person understood would be obsolete before he started talking about it. Now he has shut down the government over it and swears that he will keep the government shut until he gets it. He doesn’t care if it will work; all he cares about is that he wants it. Trump doesn’t want to understand about drug carrying drones or tunnels big enough to hold a pickup truck loaded with people or powder. He wants a wall even if it does nothing to stop drugs or criminals he loves to rave about.
His sycophants in the White House, those who are still out of jail, tell us that walls work and they are not completely wrong. There are walls that have worked but they are nothing like the wall he wants along the Mexican border.
The Berlin wall worked, almost. But the Berlin wall was a couple of miles long whereas the border wall that Trump wants will be a thousand miles long. The Berlin wall was not one wall. It was two walls, about twenty to fifty yards apart that encircled West Berlin. It had guard towers about every thirty yards, heavily armed with instructions to shoot to kill. I was there. I saw the wall and the guards and the guns, and still there were those who beat it and escaped because men just want to be free.
To build the Berlin wall and make it work in Texas would probably cost more than our entire defense budget. But Trump can’t add any better than he can read, so details like that mean nothing to him. He wants the wall just like an infant wants the teat and cares nothing for how he or she gets it as long as he or she does.
Of course Trump is now blaming the shutdown on … well anyone he can think of, but as already stated, he took responsibility for it and now it’s his. The Democrats are more than willing to let him have it because the longer the shutdown lasts the more Republicans strangle on it. Trump swears that there will be no government until he gets his wall. There is a better than good chance there will never be a wall so where does that leave him?
Al Sharpton went on a rant this weekend about children being allowed to die in US custody. I agree with Al in his attacks on Trump and his border policies, especially the ones that separate parents and children and are aimed, specifically, at creating fear in potential refugees. Trump is wrong in that, just like he’s almost always wrong about everything. But from what can be gathered through informed news reports, neither of those children’s deaths can be laid at the foot of the US border security forces. Sure Homeland Security boss Neilson made a fool of herself when questioned about the whole mess but that’s because she is a fool, not because the people who work for her did anything wrong.
The first child was sick before she got to the border. Her father knew about it and didn’t report it because he didn’t want to call attention to them. Maybe, and there’s no proof either way as yet, if he had reported his child’s sickness immediately she might have been saved, but her death really can’t be blamed on the border security people.
A lot of noise was made about the fact that she waited in a medical facility for an hour and a half for medical attention. That’s a short wait in many hospital emergency rooms all over the US. That shouldn’t be the case anywhere but the reality is, that it is.
The second child wasn’t even reported to be sick until a border security person noticed that he was ill and he was immediately brought in for treatment. That wasn’t Homeland Security’s fault either. The fault is in the Trump policies. The fault is in the countries from which these people are fleeing. The fault is in our immigration laws. Let’s address the real problems and not the lack of a wall and maybe we can keep this kind of unfortunate incident from happening again.