Donald Trump having already established that he is an egomaniacal, sociopathic degenerate has launched a full attack on the only thing his small-minded followers can come up with, Hillary’s emails. This blog has already dealt with this issue a number of times, most recently dismissing them exactly as FBI Director Comey described them: careless and dangerous but not criminal.
Needless to say, this was not good enough for the entirety of the Republican Party or even a tiny segment of Democrats who need angst in their lives in order to qualify as quasi- functional.
This past week, in reaction to the revelations about his personal character in relation to, among many other things, his abuse and lack of respect for women, a revelation that was not made by any Democrat but, as usual, by his own words, Trump has gone on the offensive against Hillary and especially against her emails, threatening, if he wins, to appoint a special prosecutor to hunt her down and jail her for her email manners. He goads the brain dead crowds that follow him into chants of “Jail her.” By his actions and his words Trump proves that he is not fit to clean toilets let alone lead this country but just to mitigate his attacks this blog would like to bring up another set of emails that seemingly have gone all but unreported and certainly have never gained the notoriety of Hillary’s, even though they are a more egregious violation of the same standards that Hillary is accused of violating but on a far more massive scale.
Hillary stands accused of using a private server located in her home in Chappaqua, NY, to conduct certain business while she was Secretary of State. The GOP hounds are braying about 33,000 emails that were deleted from that server.
Hillary claims that she used the server because it already existed and it already existed because it was in use by her husband the former president of the nation, who now used a private server for obvious reasons.
But this wasn’t the first private server used by government officials. No, I‘m not going to go into those used buy Conde Rice and Colin Powell. They have already been well established and seemingly ignored by those bent on using her emails against Hillary.
What I’m talking about is a private server, installed in the White House in 2003 by The Republican National Committee for the use of the president, the Vice President and certain members of their cabinet. I’m talking about a personal, not a government computer, which was used to plot out two illegal wars and the destruction of our national business regulation system, that ultimately led to the 2007 crash of our economy. I’m talking about a server used by George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld among others to carry out any number of illegal activities that damaged our country, cost innumerable lives and stole trillions of dollars from the American people. I’m also talking about a server from which 22,000,000 emails were deleted in a successful attempt to cover up the lies, deceit and illegal activities of the Bush/Cheney administration. This was a server that Don Rumsfeld used almost exclusively, mainly because it was not under the scrutiny of the rest of the government., It was also used to a great extent by Dick Cheney for the same reason. These were not the kind of personal emails for which Hillary was shown to be using her server. These were not about her daughter’s wedding or what they would be wearing to this or that occasion. These were emails about starting the war in Iraq.
And before you start whining conspiracy theory, know that every fact reiterated above has been vetted. The Senate Judiciary Committee issued contempt citations to Carl Rove and another White House aide because they refused to show up before the committee and they refused to submit the emails to the committee. Instead the White House objected to those citations in Federal Court and ran out the clock on the administrations tenure. By the time the Bush administration admitted that the emails had existed, and they did, the emails had long been deleted. Imagine that Hillary had refused to testify before the Benghazi committee. The papers and the GOP would have exploded into a mushroom cloud. But that’s what the Bush administration did, exactly that.
Obama, when he took office, issued an edict that there would be no reprisals against the previous administration, national low in governance that had caused this country the most damage in its history. That policy has been set in stone. Obama, unlike Trump, had no intention of turning this country into an African or South American dictatorship. The fact remains, Bush/Cheney deleted not a couple of hundred thousand but 22,000,000 emails, emails that had directly to do with the birth and conduct of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the destruction of this country’s economy.
Where were all those GOP politicians when their own Party was doing exactly or actually worse than Hillary ever did? Is Trump going to go after Bush, Cheney and the rest of their criminal gang too? And why hasn’t this scandal, which was never a secret, which was known to the media from the moment it surfaced, ever given the same scrutiny and public upheaval as Hillary’s emails?
After years of looking at various overblown Clinton and practically ignored GOP scandals, this blog can only come to one, depressing conclusion. The Republican Party is very good at National Enquirer type politics. They are a party without saleable policies so they have retired to their own pigsty where they conjure any insignificant piece of potential scandal of the type that couldbecome page six material for the NY Post and watch as it blows up into more publicized material than it deserves. The Democrats, in their naïve state worry about such mundane issues as education, environment, health and jobs leaving them open on the scandal scale to attacks by their more cynical opponents.
Were Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails that dealt with mostly personal but some business matters important? Sure, on a scale of 1-10 maybe a 2 or 3. Were the Bush/Cheney 22,000,000 deleted emails that dealt with the Iraq & Afghanistan wars and the destruction of the national economy important? You tell me. On a scale of 1-10, this blog rates them about a 20 but you be the judge.