The Times, They Are A-Changin’ (Revised)

Please note: I hit the “Send” button too soon and sent out a version of this post with Kamala Harris’s named misspelled. Mea culpa. Here is the corrected version.

First, let me apologize for the absence of the Curmudgeon for the last three weeks. That’s the first time this has happened in over twelve years of publication. I was walking my dog and he saw some friends and took off. Next thing I knew I was rolling in the gutter, and I had four broken ribs. Let’s hope I will be more attentive next time.


Kevin Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation, has issued the plan for the Right to takeover of the nation following a potential Trump victory in 2024. It’s called Project 2025, but it all depends on a Trump victory and  those have been a little scarce since 2016.  Trump or his followers lost in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 so Roberts may be a little optimistic in his vision for the future. If you listen to him, it’s the “revolution.” What revolution?  Roberts and his buddies are rich pricks and rich pricks are traditionally the targets of revolution not the perpetrators. The French didn’t chop off the heads of the local crossing guards.  The heads that rolled belonged to the rich and the Royal. That would mean that Roberts himself would be among the first heads in the basket.

Of course, the question immediately comes to mind; “What the hell does Roberts want anyway?” He’s already rich and the head of monied America’s primary drum beating organization for his buddies. Isn’t he rich enough? Does he have to squeeze the last drop of blood out of the poor and middle class. Why do the filthy rich never have enough?

He says his “revolution” will be bloodless if the left cooperates. To him that means give up, but the right already staged their practice run on Jan 6th. That was anything but bloodless, but it was without real opposition. The cops got slaughtered just trying to keep the peace. If a Democratic force, bent on imposing their will and keeping this a democracy shows up, there will be plenty of blood and much of it will have flowed from Heritage Foundation veins.

The Left in this country has spent a lot of time and energy  during the past seventy years, protesting and demonstrating for various causes, but in reality, has done very little physical damage. It’s time for that to change. The arrival of a real Tumpian force will finally give them something upon which to vent their frustration.

Yes, the arrival of an already rich class, greedily looking for more will certainly give the majority of American’s something on which to vent years of frustration, and yes, blood will run in the streets. Maybe Roberts will have to mop up some of his own.

Senator Lindsay Graham in an interview with Robert Costa called for a comprehensive psychic exam for all potential Presidential candidates. That’s great Lindsay but your own golf partner has already refused to take any test like it. We all know Joe Biden was the target of Graham’s demand and frankly I must agree with the little clown from South Carolina but if he wants to sell this bridge, he’s got to convince his certifiably insane buddy to be the first to walk across it.

Following up on his demand for medical testing for candidates, Lindsay got into a babble about policy and how the things Trump would do in office this time could be viewed by looking back and seeing what he did when he was President last time. Really? In four years, Donald Trump did one thing. He passed a bill that cut taxes on the rich, increased the deficiet, and made life harder on the rest of the nation. He did nothing constructive or beneficial for most of those who voted for him and therefore at the end of his term they fired him. Nothing has changed except that Trump has been convicted of 34 crimes, has gotten nuttier and more like Benito Mussolini, and has hired J.D. Vance as his Vice President, a move that many of us thought would nail it for a staggering Biden.


And then in an instant it all changed. One minute Joe Biden was solidly ensconced as the 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate and the next he had withdrawn and Kamala Harris was lined up to be the next Trump killer. What happened? Who knows?  Maybe he found out that the little twists of logic he had been experiencing, indicated something more serious. Maybe he decided that being the Presidential advisor extradinaire looked like more fun. In any case, Biden is gone and Kamala is in line to be the first black, female President of this country. All the voters have to do is pay attention and it will be a fact.

Harris has been an instant explosion of energy and clarity. Every move she has made since the announcement of Biden’s step aside has been on the nose. She looks, sounds and holds a stage like a master orator and her ability to make Trump look like a fool so far has been spot on.  His lunge into the ethnic pool in a vain attempt at the bullshit he tried with Obama has been reviled for the stale fish that it is, and his refusal to uphold his scheduled debate in September shows him to be the cowardly sleaze we have always known him to be.

Then, just as it looked like Biden was out of his hair, Trump was faced with what may be the major embarrassment of  this campaign when it was announced that Joe and his negotiators had pulled off the coup of the diplomatic  decade by working out the release of American hostages currently being held on trumped up changes in Russia and a number of Russian dissident’s in exchange for a group of Russian prisoners being held in various western nations. It was a negotiation that was participated in by a large number of diplomatic personelle  from a large number of allied nations. It was also a significant slap in the face for Trump from his buddy Putin because the whole deal was done without his knowledge or participation after he had bragged that he was the only one who could do a hostage deal and that he would do it without giving anything up. But here was Biden, without any help from Trump and with the assistance of the same allies that Trump had denigrated, pulling off the greatest hostage swap since the cold war.

It is significant that Kamala Harris  input into those negotiations, has not gone without notice, already putting her diplomatic skills  ahead of those of  the Korean loving Trump. As a final kiss-off  Trump’s addition of J. D. Vance to the GOP ticket seems to have already backfired with several Democrats claiming a desire to get the VP nod just so they can debate this  clown.

Al Sharpton claims that if he were to debate Vance, he would never speak, but would simply give his time to Vance, knowing that the “country boy” would industriously dig his own grave.