As Donald Trump sinks deeper and deeper into a morass of ego driven delusions, decisions, lies, self deception and ignorance: those around him are driven to revolt. One Republican after another is stepping away from the President, finally understanding the problem, finally, reluctantly, realizing for the good of the nation, the need to break the party bond. It isn’t that they want to: it’s just that they have come to understand that men of good will can no longer ignore the President’s erratically destructive actions.
Wednesday Trump Twittered out a rambling set of Tweets about Fake News and how we may have to start revoking licenses for the Networks. These blundering outbursts all point to the inability of Trump to do the job he was elected to do. They tell us that unbelievably he has no clue to the body or meaning of the First Amendment, no realization that the Fake News he refers to comes from his own mouth and the offices of his junkyard dog, Fox News, an organization that is responsible for producing more lies and phony stories that all the other media put together.
It isn’t like this should come as any big surprise to anyone. Trump started his time in the White House lying out of both sides of his mouth. It started with something as stupid, childish and obvious as crowd size and just steamrolled from there. Fact checking sources have established that sixty to seventy percent of what Trump says on any day is a lie. When you think about it, that’s an almost impossible figure. It appears that as generally incompetent as Trump would have to be trying to lie all the time just to achieve that high a percentage. But to what end? There doesn’t seem to be one.
Being the President, of the most powerful country n the world, Trump’s word is supposed to stand for something. Right now it doesn’t! Right now his word is nothing but confusing, simply because it changes every day. It seems this babbling fool has no remembrance from one day to another what he has said or what position his statements backed. There is just a huge orange blob wandering the halls of the White House, muttering about whatever intrudes into his addled brain. Trump is a danger to himself, and certainly to the country.
Right now a majority of Americans recognize this and think he is not competent to hold office. Of course the noisiest current controversy is over Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calling Trump a “fucking moron.” Trump’s reaction of yesterday was to call it fake news, to attack the reporter’s sources as non-existent. Well, they were not only existent, they were in the room at the time the statement was uttered and there were three of them.
So this clown who wouldn’t know the truth if it poked him in the eye, now frighteningly, has his finger on the proximate cause of world destruction. That’s why Republicans are talking about the 25th Amendment. Be interesting if the religious fanatic and the cabinet grow the stones to double cross the boss. Will they look to save the country or will they look to save the man who gave them jobs most are not qualified for? Even Trump’s lawyers are getting nervous, It’s rumored that they are going to offer Trump up to Bob Mueller for an interview, maybe even one where he’s under oath. That would be really dangerous for a man who doesn’t have any concept of the truth. Any halfway decent lawyer should be able to take Trump completely apart under examination.
Don’t forget, this is a man who ran a small family business that built a few buildings and slapped its name on a number of others. Along the way he filed bankruptcy four times, screwed his partners, ripped off his employees and the contractors who serviced his jobs and ran a few all out cons like the infamous Trump University. In all aspects of business he generally acted like a small time thug. And lest we forget, the people of New York, those who knew him longest and best, voted against him by a gigantic majority. It’s no surprise that he had little concept of how a government is run compared to a business with about a dozen employees. What is surprising and disappointing, is that he has made no effort to learn… anything.
He has accomplished almost nothing while in office. His only accomplishment, if it can be considered his, was the placing of a Supreme Court judge, which was actually the result of Mitch McConnell’s duplicity. There is nothing else he can point to and say, I did this. He supported four Republican health care bills, one more disastrous than the next. Now that all of them have deservedly failed, he is trying to sabotage Obamacare by undercutting assistance to those most desperately in need. He would bet against Alabama in a game against the Little School for the Blind if he thought it would get him a bill passed. Any bill just so he could sign something.
Part of the reason he has failed to accomplish anything is that his goals are all wrong. The stuff he promised on his campaign, the stuff he wants to accomplish, is all bad for America. The Wall, getting rid of Obamacare, tax reform based on helping the rich get richer, destroying the EPA, the war on immigration and extending the life of the fossil fuel reign are all aimed in the wrong direction. They were set up to help Trump’s fellow millionaires and not to help the country.
And as if to hammer each of my points home, he now attacks the people of Puerto Rico for being victims of a natural disaster caused by the very idiotic policies he is backing. I mean, what kind of idiot attacks the victims of disasters?
But let’s go back to his attacks on the press because that’s really important. That’s the precursor of a dictatorship. If Trump gets rid of the free press he will be able to spread his lies all over the nation without rebuke. What Trump wants is what Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Kim Jung Un, Saddam Hussein and all the famous dictators of all time wanted. If he gets rid of the free press he will easily be able to gain complete control of the country. That will mean the death of minorities, the destruction of the Middle Class, slavery for the poor and the end of all dissent. Trump has no idea how to run a democracy. He has no desire to do so. He wants a country that he can control the way he did his business. There can be no such thing as dissent. You disagree with the dictator and it’s off with your head.
It’s natural that Trump, the lazy, spoiled brat of an indulgent parent has never had to struggle for anything, a condition that has left him without empathy or compassion. This leads him to things like the bill he signed today, undercutting the protections for those struggling through the costly intricacies of the ACA. Trump doesn’t care that this will hurt poor people, all he cares about is that it is a blow struck against Obamacare, a move designed to chip away at the legacy of the man he falsely attacked as being born someplace else.
Trump is degenerate slime and the 30% of Republicans who don’t recognize this are destined to have this scumbag ruin their lives just as the other Republicans they voted for did before him.
Just to prove he doesn’t have the good of the nation in mind when me makes decisions, Trump, this week, repealed the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. It had been an attempt to slash carbon emissions from coal fired power plants. Scott Pruitt, the idiot who doesn’t believe in clean air but somehow runs the EPA declared that” The War on coal is over.” Of course Pruitt like the President is too stupid to realize that the war is over because there is no longer any coal industry to fight. Where once coal was responsible for 176,000 jobs it now provides less than 50,000 and it will never get higher. The coal barons, in a futile attempt to keep the industry alive have replaced people with machines. The only people who care less about coal miners than the President are mine owners. No matter what happens the business is on its way out. Even Peabody Energy, the largest coal company has filed for bankruptcy so they, as Trump did, can screw their creditors. Coal has, by and large, been replaced by gas as most states are engaged in a multi-year shift away from coal. Now even wind and sun are making serious inroads into the market.
So why is this happening? For those who have been living under a rock for the last couple of decades, coal is the dirtiest form of energy and just as important it is no longer economically viable. But it’s the hundreds of thousand of deaths caused by carbon in the air and the effect that carbon has on global warming that are leading to its place with the dinosaurs.
Even China, a nation in which there are over 100,000 deaths due to air pollution each year has gotten the message and is making enormous investments in clean energy. They are now the world’s leading producer of wind turbines and for a number of years the top producer of solar panels. Last year China invested over $78 billion in renewable energy, over twice that of the U.S. And now they are determined to take the lead in transportation. They have already taken a huge lead in electric cars. More than twice as many were sold in China in 2016 than in the U.S., a big deal when you realize that they had almost no such technology ten years ago.
China’s leaders claim that by 2025 they want 20% of all new cars sold in china powered by alternative fuels. Trump thinks coal is an alternative fuel. Trump loves to tell the out of work coal miners about how he is saving their jobs. Bullshit! His backing of a dying industry is causing huge job loss in this country. We have 117 times the number of jobs in renewables as we do in coal. In China they have 3.6 million jobs in renewables compared to 777,000 in the U.S. That’s a disgrace and the reason that difference exists is the abject stupidity of Donald Trump. Instead of pushing renewable energy and the jobs it carries with it he is fighting for his millionaire buddies.
Trump has betrayed every voter who backed him. He started betraying them even before he was elected. He did it by promising things that he had to know he couldn’t deliver but that he figured they would buy and vote for him. It started with The Wall, a fantasy that every sentient human being knew wasn’t needed and wasn’t practical to build. Trump didn’t care. All he cared about was the cheers he got from his brain dead followers when he mentioned it. Then he started on the foreigners who were flooding into our country taking American jobs. It never occurred to him or his dumb as a post believers; that the only jobs those shit kickers could fill, didn’t interest foreigners who after being educated in our best universities, he wanted to send back to their original countries to create manufacturing that would steal all the jobs left to our blue collar workers.
Next we went after Obamacare, or anything named after Obama. He demanded that it be repealed and replaced even though he had nothing with which to replace it and not caring that it would drop millions of desperate people off healthcare. Trump is a greedy; self-serving, stupid clown and the fact that we were dumb enough to let him get elected makes us even worse. It now behooves us to get off our butts and make sure that neither dummy Don nor any of his ilk ever get into the White House again.
Just one more, small item before we leave. Yesterday Trump announced that he had met with the President of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Yeah, that’s right. Trump is the President of the Virgin Islands. He’s just too dumb or too uninformed to know that. I know, it’s just a small thing but it’s one of thousands of small things that he should know that he doesn’t. Just one of thousand of small things that add up to one big deliberately uninformed and very dangerous individual who is in the process of putting this nation in grave danger every day he remains in office. Mueller better shake his tail. Time’s a-wastin’.