Two Days to Go

Headline: Trump leaves supporters out in the cold. Literally! It was just another super spreader in sub zero temperatures in Nebraska. Trump finished and took off on Air Force One leaving thousands of followers behind with no transportation. Many landed in hospitals. The fools were brought to the rally in campaign-supplied buses but where did the busses go after the rally? Did Trump stiff them the way he often stiffed his construction crews? It’s just another Trump fuckup, just another example of the incompetent’s incompetence.

If he would leave this crowd of supporters stranded in the freezing cold why would anyone believe he would even try to solve the pandemic.

The reality? He has listed his handling of the pandemic as one of his top achievements. Really? I guess if he manages to kill a couple of hundred thousand more Americans he will be looking, once more for a Nobel Prize.


I’m an old man and I’ve been around a lot in my 84 years but in all my time following politics I have never, ever, seen an outpouring of disappointment and disgust over a sitting president like that which has emerged condemning Donald Trump.

Every president has someone writing a negative book about him but his one has a whole library tradition emerging on what a complete incompetent he is; on what a non-functional disaster he is and on what a cruel, mean-spirited, insensitive brute he aspires to be… if he had the guts.

Even as I’m writing this I am watching groups of armed punks polluting the areas around voting sites, armed to the teeth just so they can prove what cowardly bullies they really are. I watched a documentary recently on the Boogaloo Boisein which a fairly large group of them, armed with automatic weapons to intimidate the local citizenry, are confronted by a group of those local citizens, also armed, that are tired of their bullshit.  These tough guys turned and left, heavily armed as they were, they just punked out. They didn’t want to get shot. No one does, but these loudmouth punks didn’t even have the courage of their convictions, if they actually had any convictions.

I saw a headline on the tube today that read, “Armed militias braced for chaos around the nation.” They aren’t braced for chaos. They are the chaos. If they weren’t standing around polling places there would be no danger of chaos. They are just like the Fat Liar that inspires them, a huge pile of stupidity and bluster, covering a cowardly mistake of a man.


Just watched Donald Trump Jr. ranting that the death toll for COVID-19 has dropped to almost nothing, even as the real death toll yesterday was the highest to date. We seem to have gotten used to this punk’s father lying, over 9 million cases and almost 230,000 deaths to date doesn’t seem to have made any impression on either of the Don’s but it seems that the father’s sins have infected the entire despicable clan.

The question becomes, how many of the great unwashed will believe this crap? Trump’s babbling on the virus, the economy, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s political position regarding socialism and just about any subject that crosses his lying lips are all untrue and it’s time that Americans recognize this and disown the fat orange scum.

We have gotten so used to Trump lying that we are almost willing to ignore it but the reality is, when one candidate lies all the time nothing can get done because there is nothing to base decisions on. This is exactly why our foreign policy is in the toilet.


Melbourne Australia had zero new cases of COVID-19 yesterday. Could you imagine if NY or Boston, or Chicago had no new cases for one day? I can’t. I can’t because we have a sociopath in the White House. We have a greedy egomaniac that has no goal except getting re-elected to the presidency and he thinks that the way to do that is to deny the reality of the pandemic. He doesn’t care how many more Americans are killed as long as he can get out and lead the mob of ignorant fanatics that believe his lies and will vote once again for a man who, because of his own ignorance and ego, has turned the greatest country in the world into a competitor for Banana Republic of the Year.

We could actually be where Melbourne is right now if we had acted like adults and observed the protocols that were laid down by Anthony Fauci and doctors of like mind. But instead too many imbeciles in this country listened to and believed the Fat Liar in the White House and now we are at a point where the virus is as strong as it ever has been and we are losing thousands of Americans each day to a disease that we should have conquered by now.

Trump is killing us, literally by the thousands and yet 35% of the country is willing to believe anything he says…even though he has done nothing but lie to us from his first day in office until this minute.


There is a huge noise currently being made about the protection of the voting process and it’s no wonder. With a dangerous and sociopathic president screaming about voter fraud if he’s not elected and with his non-functional administration unable to do any thing about delivering mail containing ballots on time, it’s no wonder there is a good deal of concern about getting the real winner in office at the end of this madness.

For far too many years this country has crippled it’s voting process by imposing on the promise of “one-man one vote,” the antiquity of the Electoral College.

The Electoral College, like the Senate, is a tip of the hat to small, less populated states; but in making that concession to their smaller cousins, the people of this country have created an attack on real democracy more potent than anything ever created by the likes of Hitler, Stalin or Putin. The Electoral College process allows, as it did in 2000 and 2016, a candidate who got less popular votes than his opponent, to win the phony vote by electors and become president. This, just like the Senate where each state has two Senators regardless of how many people live in it, is the antithesis of the democratic process. This farce allows a total of 20 states with a combined population of 37 million people to have 40 seats in the Senate, whereas, California with 39 million people has 2. If that seems fair to you then your name must be Moscow Mitch McConnell.

What I am saying here is; personal wants and needs aside, it is impossible for the American people to approve of a system that is this basically unfair. As soon as our pandemic, healthcare, educational and unemployment problems are out of the way it behooves the new administration to solve these two inequalities in the American system just to get back to the democracy we like to think we actually have.


George Stephanopoulos had Jason Miller on his show this Sunday and my question about Miller is always… why? Why would anyone allow this congenital liar any time at a mic? He lies more than Trump. For the first time in memory George showed some spine, nailing Miller for his refusal to answer questions truthfully and avoiding others because he had no answer.


And for those evil Trumpets who have been encouraging simple Trumpians to attend rallies without masks or social distancing; a study from Stanford University has, through contact testing, traced over 700 deaths and over 30,000 COVID-19 cases among people who may not have attend Trump rallies but were in contact with those that did. These cases popped up in counties surrounding the sites of Trump rallies. So Trump isn’t just immune to killing his own supporters he is also the uninterested, uncaring cause of death among the general public.  Yeah, he’s turning the corner all right, and driving right into the crowd.