Who Votes For This Guy?

It’s six months to the big election and Donald Trump is blabbering at full volume about it being rigged if he loses. The Secretaries of State of four battleground States, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan and Georgia appeared on Meet the Press this weekend to discuss the problems created by the crooked sleaze, ex-President who not only lost about sixty challenges to the 2020 election but was actually indicted for inciting a riot to overthrow the result of the election.

What’s truly amazing is, that a significant number of, yet uninstitutionalized people, think there is something worth voting for in a clown who tells them that if he wins, the election is honest, but if he loses, it is crooked. Of course, these are the same people that will vote for him even though he has already told them that if he wins, he is going to ditch the constitution and become a dictator.

Do I believe him? Absolutely! It’s maybe the only thing he ever said that I do believe, but this one has hair on it.


Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stated last week that US and Western policies are keeping his troops from using the weaponry we supply for attacking into Russian territory, thereby killing his war effort. It’s true and it’s long overdue for that policy to change. Now it seems that Joe Biden has seen the light.

The reality is, said policy probably came out of a Putin statement early in the war about the possibility of his country using tactical nuclear weapons if anyone intruded on Russian territory. The time has arrived that we considered the reality of such a statement.

Putin is one of the cleverest players on the international scene, but like everyone else he has his weak spots, one of which is his need to bring Russia back to the prominence it enjoyed when it was the Soviet Union. I think he is far too smart to start a nuclear war over this, because he knows it would have the opposite effect of what he is trying to accomplish.  If Russia used nuclear weapons in Ukraine, there would have to be retaliation by the US and other nuclear armed Western nations. That would mean the kind of devastation in Russia that would take decades to recover from. Putin will never achieve any of his goals by causing that and he knows it. So, it behooves us to allow the Ukrainians to hit those bases inside Russia that are causing them the most problems. This will reverse the war, but that reverse must never be allowed to advance to a point where Ukrainian troops cross the Russian border.

The point of this war for the west is to stop Russian aggression into other countries and to reclaim the territory that Russia has occupied in those countries. Doing that will not give Putin an excuse to use nuclear weapons, but invading Russia most certainly will.

That is why President Biden’s administration just announced a reversal of its long-term policy and told us they will now allow the use of certain long-range weaponry to offset the Russian advantage. It does not appear that this will ruffle Putin’s feathers enough to push him into nuclear war, but it should give Zelenskyy enough of an advantage to allow him to stop the Russian advance and possibly even allow the Ukrainians to move into Russian occupied Ukrainian territory.


On Thursday afternoon around 4PM a jury of Manhattanites declared Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony counts. Did the fat liar in any way reflect the shame of such an action? Are you kidding? Its Donald Trump. The criminal sleaze reacted exactly as expected, lashing out at the judge, the jury, the criminal justice system and everybody else that that was in any way associated with the conviction. It was exactly what was expected of him. Trump is the ultimate criminal. He neither sees nor recognizes anything wrong with anything he does, no matter how illegal or immoral. He is the spoiled product of a criminal father, and he has raised his brats the same way. He will always act in a way that will benefit him no matter how it affects the world in which he exists. That’s why he should never have been a President of anything, and why he should not be considered as Presidential material now.

The fact that there are people who despite his conviction, will still consider him for the Presidency, only proves that there is a shitload of really stupid people who are eligible to vote in his country.

Despite that, this conviction should lose Trump enough votes to cost him the election.

To be fair, I thought he would get off. I figured that no matter how carefully the jury selection was conducted, they would miss on at least one Trump fanatic and that one would hang the jury.  I am truly edified to find out that the system works better than I ever expected it to. Now if the judge will just nail him with a nice 5-year sentence that should settle things for good. The minimum sentence for this offense is 4 years and he is guilty 34 counts so that could reach to 136 years but that will never happen, and shouldn’t, even with Trump.

Sure, I understand that five years is longer than normal for a blue-collar crime by a first offender, but he isn’t really a first -time offender. He has pled guilty to a number of crimes over the years to avoid serving time. Besides his conduct in the court and his repeated violations of the judge’s  gag-order, along with his comments following the verdict, show plainly that he still doesn’t understand that he has done anything wrong and that given the opportunity, he will do it again.


As expected, certain right-wing rags across the country have already exonerated Trump from everything he did and all he will do. The NY Post, a foreign owned sleaze rag published the headline “Injustice” along with a picture of Trump looking very downtrodden and repentant. In reality Trump was anything but repentant. He has since raged about the result, attacking everyone in sight and blabbering his favorite word, “rigged” about everything he is displeased with.

Then on Friday morning Trump went on a wandering, aimless rant including everything he has ever attacked in any speech he had ever given, touching on every subject that bothers him but ultimately senseless, as have been most of his speeches. The basic point of almost everything that Trump has said since the verdict is that he is innocent, that the trial was a political ploy and that everything he did was legal. The reality is that the verdict was the result of evidence that was so overwhelming that it could not be ignored. It was the testimony of Trump’s own people and the documentation of Trump’s process that did him in.  It was the fact that he was so mistrusting and so cheap that killed him. If he had not demanded such control of everything, he might have gotten away with it. His need to sign every check was suicidal. If you want to pull off something so blatantly illegal you have to be able to distance yourself from most of the details, but Trump buried himself ass deep in everything and that was all the proof the DA needed.

This is a useless clown who is bad for everything that this country stands for. He must be buried in the trash heap of history, if this country is to survive.