I’m looking at all the stuff that’s in the news this week and am appalled at how one party has been able to influence all the things that are going on in America in a negative way. I’m speaking, of course, about the GOP and how they manage to come up on the wrong side of every issue that effects this country.
I’m watching a story about the ACA and the suit against it in the Supreme Court. Why is this law being attacked? If the Right wins their suit, millions of Americans will lose their health insurance. No matter what the tax ramifications, no matter what the economic ramifications, this would be a tragedy and a disaster for the country in general, but the GOP doesn’t seem to recognize this or maybe it just doesn’t give a damn. As long as they get their way, the hell with the people who will be most affected by it.
On another front Republican politicians are attacking Hillary Clinton over their newest fantasy trip. She used a private server to run her email account when she should have been using a government server. Who says? Everybody else, including all Secretaries of State that preceded her have used private servers, so did Bush’s cabinet. But the pros and cons of that particular brouhaha are not what’s important. What’s important is that the government, which will now set up a committee to investigate this, will be spending millions of dollars of taxpayers money for a political purpose that like its predecessors, Whitewater and Benghazi, will prove to be a farcet. If the Republicans stopped investigating non-factors and tried to pass some functioning legislation the whole country would be better off.
And while we’re at it, if the GOP is as worried as they should be about the stopping of funding for the DHS, maybe they should stop playing with themselves over this ridiculous immigration issue and pass some kind of permanent legislation to deal with the funding problem.
I realize that solving the funding problem will take more brain-power than the Republicans have sitting in the House but that is no excuse.
And while we speak about that stupidity, how about the commemoration of the Selma march down on Redneck Bridge. We are commemorating an event that was caused by the kind of stupidity and bigotry that the Far Right still maintains as their message. That’s right, after 50 years the Republicans have learned nothing, were, in fact, not even going to send a representative to the march until Kevin McCarthy realized what a monumental image crusher such a move would be, and showed up, at the last minute to represent the backward party. Does that mean that most, if not all, Republicans think that Selma is much ado about nothing? That it’s still about groups of pushy blacks making trouble when they should be just keeping their mouths shut and collecting their welfare? It sure looks that way and once again it shows the GOP acting, not for the benefit of the country but for the bigots of the Republican Right.
But back to email gate. Heard an interesting identification regarding it. “The Select Committee on Benghazi,” wants to take over the investigation of it. First of all, what the hell is select about any committee on Benghazi? There have been more investigations about Benghazi than there were about the Kennedy assassination and yet none of these incompetent boobs has come up with anything that would make them seem even remotely functional enough to be handed another investigation to screw up.
This Select Committee recognized by anyone with any intellectual ability as just another Daryl Issa wet dream has uncovered absolutely nothing, probably because, as a half dozen former investigating committees, all run by Republicans, have discovered, there is nothing to uncover. So now, having pissed away millions in taxpayer’s money and accomplished zero, they want to spend eve more of our dough, chasing their tails over email accounts that were perfectly legal at the time they were created and used and have already been sorted and turned over to the government archives
It would seem that Daryl Issa, the later day Joe McCarthy has been allowed to operate like the incompetent and petty dictator that he is, for more time than is reasonable and it’s way past his expiration date. He has spent the last dozen or so years trying desperately and unsuccessfully to destroy the reputations of anyone from the other party whose name comes across his desk. It’s time to shut him up. His attacks never bear fruit, are mostly based on blatant lies, and have been very costly to the country and the taxpayers.
It’s obvious that Issa, much the same as his idol Joe McCarthy, loves to see his name in the papers. It’s equally obvious that his accusations bear about as much truth as those of McCarthy. Both men have been disgraces to their party and to their country. The next select committee should be tasked with investigating Issa for fraud and malicious intent. And that would be a committee that could actually get a result, not like those formed by the richest man in the Senate.
And then, of course, there’s THE LETTER. One would like to say that it is incomprehensible that anyone is stupid enough or traitorous enough to compose such an idiotic note, but then where does that leave the 47 brain-dead Republican Senators who signed it? It’s bad enough that we have, long ago turned The House over to a bunch of intellectually bankrupt rednecks, but now to give up the Senate to a gaggle of faux patriotic traitors, or more properly mutineers, who think nothing of undermining our foreign policy for petty political advantage is really more than the country can put up with.
This country cannot support the kind of incompetent, traitorous and dishonest leadership that has been displayed by the GOP. If we have any desire to remain the kind of country that we have inherited, the list of signatures to this disgraceful document must exist continually, in the public eye, until they have all been drummed out of office.
And finally there is Mitch McConnell, that useless slug who spent the last 6 years fruitlessly trying to keep president Obama from getting elected and then re-elected, has come up with another project that will be as destructive to the goals of the nation as his last dumb project.
Yes, Mitch is now trying to get the states to ignore the nation’s greenhouse gas restrictions because, after all, inhaling all that crap is good for you and letting it get into the atmosphere is great for the planet.
No, McConnell isn’t really as dumb as he looks. What he is, is dishonest and greedy. McConnell owes his current post in the senate to big coal, the leading industry in his home state of Kentucky. Big coal, even worse for the atmosphere than big oil, is putting up a last gasp fight, championed by degenerate sleaze like McConnell, against renewable energy.
McConnell has urged other governors to fight the greenhouse plan by not submitting plans to be in line with it. Isn’t this the asshole who screams law and order every chance he gets and accuses Obama of illegal immigration moves and violating the constitution? What he is doing is exactly what he accuses the President of doing. The only difference in objective of the two moves, is that Obama isn’t doing it for personal gain and McConnell is.
If states don’t file a compliance plan with the EPA that agency can implement their one size fits all plan and impose it on any state that fails to comply. This seems to be the best answer to idiots like McConnell. It will leave Kentucky and like states vulnerable to any penalties that the EPA wishes to impose for violations and let’s hope that they really slam it to them.
Of course McConnell is joined by another genius, Rick Perry of Texas who opposes any kind of regulation that might help us to continue to breathe. Defending against this illegal move by McConnell and Perry will cost the government 35 million bucks in lawyers fees, which means that these no tax Republicans want to waste even more money that could go to help with insignificant problems like a crumbling infrastructure, just so they can help the billionaire owners of these polluting industries to make even more money while they are poisoning our air and water.
Lets just hope that McConnell and Perry are in the same car when the crumbling bridge they are driving over is finally eaten away by acid rain and collapses, dropping them in the polluted water of a very deep river. Maybe then this country will a chance at survival.