Quo Vadis

The Israeli strike that hit World Central Kitchen targets and killed their workers cannot be excused. The remaining question is, were they deliberate? Netanyahu was quoted as saying it was a mistake. Mistakes happen in war. Yeah, but they really happen when you have war to mask the making of a point.  The Israeli’s have been screwing up the delivery of food to Gaza. Now, lying Bibi wants us to believe that the murder of 7 World Central Kitchen’s workers was a mistake? Not unless ownership of that ever-popular bridge is looming in our future.

Jose’ Andres, head of World Central Kitchen which has fed millions of starving people in Gaza and around the world, doesn’t want to call Bibi a liar to his face but he definitely stands in the corner with the skeptics.

Biden has issued statement after statement, all ignored by Netanyahu, but as they fall on deaf ears, each one has hurt him with the voices at home. We all understand that Bibi has an all but impossible task in trying to eliminate Hamas, while trying to keep the people of Gaza safe, but he isn’t even trying to make it work, and this latest “accident” is way over the top! By now it’s quite clear that regardless of how Bibi feels or what he does, there are many Israelis in the supply train that are either actively or passively trying to slow it down or stop it, so that no matter what Bibi does there will be problems and non-function.

All that has to stop, or we should definitely do what we can do to help. That means stopping all offensive weapon shipments to Israel and monitoring all humane supplies meant for Israel, in the same way Israelis are getting in the way of food and medical supplies that are trying to find a way to the Palestinian people.


Okay, so, we’ve written a hell of a lot about the sleaze; Donald Trump and his followers like Steve Bannon Marjorie Taylor- Greene, Mike Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jones, Mitch McConnell, Tommy Tuberville, John Thune, and Lt General Mike Flynn, and even the no names that have taken up his worthless cause. The big question is why? There is not one person I have named, who does not dishonor their elected or appointed position by acting against the interests of the United States or its citizens in the pursuit of the goals of Trump, which are nothing but self-interest. So again…why? Why have the American people put these avaricious slobs in a position to endanger democracy and hurt our country?

It has not always been this way, but there is ample evidence that it has not always been much different. Prior to his death in 1974, the journalist, author, and political commentator Walter Lippman wrote:

“Men have been deprived of their sense of certainty as to why they were born, why they must work, whom they must love, what they must honor, where they may turn in sorrow and defeat.”

That was over 50 years ago, and at that time we were suffering from a political disease, very much like the one that is currently ravaging the population.

Not in any way to set myself up as a political thinker that rivals Lippman, but I believe that in this one instance he was wrong, or at least a little over the top. There has been so much influence on the people of this country and the world over the last 50 years that maybe he was just a little too soon. The Seventies were the time when we were just burying a lot of concepts that carried us through the depression. Prohibition, and two World Wars. We were a very repressed society, which

exploded in the 60’s and was now looking for someplace to expand.  In the ensuing 50 years we have found many of those places. To a great extent they have led us away from the old reliable safe havens that we looked to for comfort and safety. Of those religion was one of the most reliable and safest and then religion took one of the biggest hits. It started with believers leaving the traditional beliefs. People were questioning the absurd standards of accepted beliefs and the promises that were made in the name of infallibility and moved on to the latest of manmade religions that promised salvation at a monetary cost.

The temples of Evangelism fell faster than the old traditionalists and their membership that was largely blue collar and white skinned seemed to surge toward Trump. But many traditional religions have also bred large numbers of Trump followers because of their prohibitions on gays, contraception, and abortion.

The problem for traditional religion, the reason why it has driven away so many of its believers, is its exploitation of power to demonstrate its control of the faithful. Too many times the church leaders have created edicts that force the credulity of the logical, reasonable abilities of the faithful to accept them as truthful or even possible. The faithful, operating on a human level of reasonable thought, are in many cases able to accept only so much nonsense, and more and more they are abandoning those religions that propagate this crap and going off in other directions.

How do you accept an all-loving God who is an all-powerful God to whom nothing is impossible allowing thousands of children to starve to death?  If you are a reasonable human being, you can’t. And the lack of a fathomable answer to that kind of question is what drives thousands of reasonable and logical people away from religion, leaving them with no substitute. Human beings must have something to hold onto that supports their need for stability in a world that provides very little in the way of a moral center. In times of crisis, we need that center, on which to base our decision making.  There are too many wrong decisions available to us that leave us without the kind of support that religion once provided but can no longer display the believability to fill the void.

 When true believers can stand in support of a criminal degenerate like Donald Trump even as he rages before them, vomiting out lies and morally unacceptable nonsense, and then kneel in a house of worship and pretend to accept the teachings of religious icons like Jesus Christ, they have abandoned morality, and there is no basis for a productive life.  That’s why religion is disappearing, and God help us there is nothing to fill the void. And it’s a void we desperately need to fill, because the great challenge of our time is most certainly how to fill the hole left by the loss of religion. Politics is not the answer, although a serious percentage of the left would have us believe that this is so. Maybe it’s a new religion based not on the words of the leaders but on established moral and philosophical principals that are self- evident to all. Maybe it’s just a better education that is taught better and truth tested to give our children a sense of where they belong in this world.

Quo vadis my friends, quo vadis?

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