Washington had its White House Correspondent’s Dinner last night and once again the cowardly bully didn’t show up. He sent his sacrificial dogs, Kelly Ann Conway and Sara Huckabee Sanders to take the shots for him while he went out to dead-broke
The Rats are abandoning the sinking ship in droves. Last week it was Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House who announced that he would not run again. He was a reluctant Speaker anyway, a policy wonk who was more comfortable as head
So here we are; another crisis in the Middle East and a leader that has his head up his ass. Not that our history isn’t replete with such leaders. Under George Bush, we started an unprovoked war, using lies by a
So Trump fired David Schulkin head of the VA and replaced him with Dr. David Jackson, the doctor who has announced to the American public that Trump has a great gene pool and that if he had eaten right during his
The special election in Pennsylvania’s 18 District may not indicate a wave but if I were standing on a beach I wouldn’t want to see this thing heading my way. In 5 of the last six special elections the vote count
I was registering on Trump’s antics in the White House yesterday and I started thinking back a couple of years to when we had, despite his weaknesses, a rational gentleman in the White House. Then I went back five or six
So out of nowhere Trump stubbles into a meeting with Kim Jung Un. Who’d a thunk it? All the pundits are carrying on about how he’s not prepared, how he needs all kinds of backup from political and technical experts and
This blog has long considered Fareed Zakaria to be one of the top minds in the political spectrum but recently he set out to convince his viewers of a concept that simply doesn’t fly. Using student reactions to VP Pence at
It’s now pretty clear that Russia interfered with our election. What’s also clear is that they wanted to get caught. They wanted us to know that they could do whatever they wanted and we wouldn’t be able to stop them. They have
When Secretary of State Tillerson remarked recently that it’s too late for the government to do anything about the Russian intervention in our elections for the 2018 election, he didn’t understand that he was speaking only for our incompetent and uninterested