Stupid is as Stupid Does


So out of nowhere Trump stubbles into a meeting with Kim Jung Un. Who’d a thunk it? All the pundits are carrying on about how he’s not prepared, how he needs all kinds of backup from political and technical experts and how he has no State Department to guide him, which is, after all, his own fault. Yes, all of that is true and no, he may never put that package together, but the bottom line is he may just get lucky. That “may” is a very key word here.

But more important is the one simple fact that there may be a meeting, a meeting between two men who have been acting like children. The naysayers are all over the idea that these two volatile characters may end up wrestling on the floor and that could happen, but a couple of realities must be considered. On the North Korean side two facts exist. They will never fire first, because even if they do have a nuclear weapon mounted on a rocket that can reach the US, they surely don’t have more than one and they would be firing into a nation that has the nuclear capability to turn North Korea into liquid. Looking at what Kim has done so far it seems evident that he is not crazy. He’s smart and crafty enough to realize his position and will be accordingly cautious. In this same vein, Kim has seen how we have treated other dictators who gave up their nuclear capabilities, (They’re all dead) and he isn’t about to let this happen to him. That’s why he has built up his capabilities to a point where they can actually deliver a bomb here.

So now he’s got a bomb and a delivery system but he understands that he can never use it and survive so what’s the next step? He just made it! He suggested a meeting and offered that he will stop testing as long as we are heading for one. This is not the action of a nut. This is the move of a very clever little fat guy.

Trump on the other side loves to bluster and intimidate, but there’s no way he wants to start a war. He’s dense but not a complete idiot. He appears to have picked a path that had never been explored by our previous Presidents, men who have been so mired in what has sometimes been the bullshit of diplomacy or were already so enmeshed in other wars that they had no desire to go near the potentiality of this one. Let’s face it; our policy toward North Korea for the last half- century has been deplorable. No president in that time frame has done what he should have done. All have sloughed the problem off. Now we have a President too uninformed to know all the ramifications of what he may be dealing with but it may just be that lack of understanding of the labyrinthine details necessary to do this the old fashioned diplomatic way. That makes him a possibility to actually get something done.

Based on the reasons stated above this writer feels that the chances of Kim actually firing a missal at us are slim to none. It would be completely counter-productive to what he wants to achieve. There is very little reason to believe him. He has a record with the truth about as good as Trump’s, but if he is willing to stand behind his statements, it would appear that now that he has achieved a certain position in the nuclear world he is willing to hold that position and negotiate from there.

He says he will stop testing missals and bombs. He wants to meet with Trump. What’s wrong with that? Especially since Trump is willing to meet with him. The anti-Trump pundits cry out that we are giving Kim a gift and getting nothing in return. I cry BS. We aren’t giving him anything that we don’t want. And for that we are getting a cessation of testing on bombs and delivery systems – maybe. Did I miss something or isn’t that what we want? Not having this meeting because it doesn’t conform to some antiquated and already failed rules of diplomacy is something my mother used to call cutting off your nose to spite your face. Let them meet. Even if they end up wrestling on the floor what can happen? North Korea is never going to attack us, mainly because they have nothing to gain by doing so. Then it’s up to us to keep the moron with the bad hair from attacking anyone else.

On the other hand, Trump loves dictators. His favorite people are Putin, Duterte and Xi Jinping. If Trump had been President, Saddam and Qadaffi would probably be alive and living at Mar a Largo today. He may end up loving Kim. They may become the best of friends.

Kim wants recognition. He wants the big boys to see him as their equal. In that he is just like Trump. He also wants a lifting of sanctions, which are killing his country. Seemingly, that is it! We want him to stop developing his weapons system and we have to be able to check on it. Iran sat still for such a deal and Obama made it happen. After all the bad noise that Trump made about that deal, wouldn’t it be ironic if he was able to make the same kind of deal with Kim and then start bragging about it.


Okay, so you’re wondering how a sub-human like Donald Trump could ever get elected to be President of the United States and you’re even more astounded at how over 30% of the population still supports him. It’s simple suckers; all you have to do is take a quick look at what entertains the people of this swiftly degenerating population.

For those of you that have abandoned television, let me explain that there is a massively popular show called, The Bachelor, which despite the moronic intelligence level of anyone interested in watching it, has become one of the most popular shows on network television.

This week The Bachelor supposedly ended it’s long run with a show on which they double crossed a young woman and then showed twenty minutes of her sobbing on camera so their viewers could wallow in her humiliation as she wailed out her degradation before millions of panting viewers. Yes sports fans, this is what America wants. This is the pleasure taken by a nation of sadistic degenerates. Is it any wonder they voted for a sexually deviant, morally ambiguous, egomaniacal, serial liar as President? Donald Trump is just more entertainment for these idiots who seem to think the whole mess is just an extension of The Apprentice only with a faster turnover.

So when Trump decides to destroy the world economy in order to cover up the news that Bob Mueller is breathing down his neck, or when Hope Hicks gets the message about astronomical legal fees and possible jail sentences and run from his tiny hands, those who exist in his fan base just shrug and believe what they hear on Fox news rather than what the rest of the world sees. Even the objections of men like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, who have up to now slavishly followed Trump’s confused leads doesn’t seem to have any effect on these people who spend their evenings enjoying the humiliation of a seemingly inconsequential young woman.

It’s fascinating that this Trump base, these hardwired, low-intellect defenders of what they think of as Americana, really have no idea what America is about or what has made it great. They fanatically oppose abortion, will do anything to save the life of a group of cells but love their guns too much to protect those cells once they grow into childhood. They will battle to protect their religious rights even as they trample over the rights of those who worship a God with a different name. They pray to their God in loud voices but remain silent in the face of the perversion of the likes of Roy Moore.

These people, like almost everyone else in this country, at some point the children of immigrants, don’t want immigrants coming here to take their jobs. They just don’t understand that most of the immigrants coming here now don’t want jobs sweeping the floors at a factory. They want to run the factory and they are coming here with the abiliy to do just that. So there is no job competition. If you worked on an assembly line at a factory your job doesn’t belong to an immigrant, it belongs to a robot designed by that immigrant. You voted for a con man who told you he would get that job back but that job is long gone and never coming back. You bought the bullshit and now the garbage who sold it to you is getting ready to stick it to you again on health care, education, infrastructure and social services, all the things you need that Donald Trump isn’t going to give you because he wants to spend your tax money on the military and bracing up the fossil fuel industry. But you’ll never see that coming because you’re too busy watching a young girl cry on The Bachelor.


When he was appointed, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry thought the job entailed keeping a record of who turned the lights in the White House on and off. The enormity of the job has since been revealed to an astonished former Governor of Texas but he really hasn’t been enlightened by the information. He was speaking at the CERA Week Energy conference in Houston last week when he stated that, “Because as a society we decided fossil fuels were bad. I think that is immoral.”

Forget the distortion of the language; no one ever said Rick was functional in English. It’s the thought that counts. Despite being in charge of a $2 billion clean energy program Perry appears to be completely unaware that solar and wind are much cheaper to use than any fossil fuels and solar despite its already cheap cost, just keeps dropping every day. Right now solar and wind are the cheapest, UNSUBSIDIZED (very important) electricity ever, anywhere, by any technology. And the gap is widening every minute of every day. Right now in Colorado they are building new renewable power plants because even with the cost of construction the energy produced is cheaper than running the old coal plants.

According to a global 2017 Lancet study, water and soil pollution kill more than 9 million people a year. What’s the cost of that? No one really expects Perry to understand either the economic or the human consequences of continuing with fossil energy. This is a guy who literally can’t walk and chew gum; another illiterate in a government led by an illiterate. He will never get the point that the world will spend $4.8 trillion on fossil fuels by 2025 and if something is not done before then we will waste $1.6 trillion of that because by that time fossil fuels will have become economically obsolete.

And still the fossil fuel industry supported by our idiot President with the help of the GOP greed monsters ignore a climate out of control, world health and even economic reality and forge ahead, unwilling to admit they are late to the game, supporting an energy culture that provides a small fraction of the jobs created by renewable energy, stubbornly flaunting their immorality and stupidity as they race lemming like to the energy graveyard.