GOP too Cheap to Help

The Republican vote on the support of our allies was not as bipartisan as it seemed. The GOP actually voted 112 to 104 against passing the bill. So, their vote mirrors a similar one that a very different GOP made against helping England stand against the Nazi invasion in early WWII.

It was a very different Republican Party then, but just like it is now, it was made up of very selfish people. “Me first”, seems to have been the mantra for everything. They never cared much about their fellow man and that went particularly for the British who were anticipating a Nazi invasion. It’s the same now when other Americans who are being crushed by medical bills and the cost of gas. It never made much difference whether the GOP members were trying to ignore the fact that the world was about to be overrun by the Nazi hordes or that people were actually starving in the richest country in the world, the Republicans were always “me first”.

Dan Sullivan, Republican, Alaska, was interviewed on Face the Nation and tried desperately to sell a basket of bullshit about how Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was responsible for the war happening in Ukraine.  Maybe this fool is so blind that he never saw Trump kissing Putin’s ass and giving hm permission to do whatever he wanted, even though it was never in America’s best interests.

Sullivan harped on Biden’s weakness as the reason Russia is in Ukraine when in reality, Biden is the only one keeping the Russians out of that unfortunate country. Certainly, Trump and the Republicans aren’t doing anything to hold back Russia. Their inetrference with the bill that would help Ukraine finance the war has damaged Ukraine’s war effort tremendously.

Sullivan tries to sell the nonsense that Republicans have been the big supporters of Ukraine and peace around the world, but then can’t wipe the egg off his face when Margaret Brennan points out that Republicans have repeatedly voted against helping Ukraine, and Trump has repeatedly flip flopped on the subject while panting for Putin’s attention.

Sullivan keeps calling the Republican party the” Peace through strength” party when he really should call them the “screw-up through indecision and incompetence” party          .                                  *****
After the House passed the arms sales bill, the Polish Prime Minister tweeted, @speaker Johnson, thank you. Better late than too late. And I hope it is not too late for Ukraine.

Republican Tom Cole on the same subject, whined that it was only 65 days since the Senate passed the bill and it was not like the Speaker didn’t have other things to do.

Really? What else did the Speaker have to do that was so important? The House hasn’t done shit in over three years and now he’s too busy to save an ally? Johnson did a good thing after he exhausted every other possibility. Let’s leave it at that, and let’s slap down Marjorie Taylor-Greene and the rest of her coven every time they open their beaks.

Meanwhile Cole keeps babbling about the fact that it has gotten done, while trying to ignore the fact that it is six months late. He just won’t accept the fact that thousands of Ukrainians have died, and the war effort has been endangered because his party wouldn’t do the right thing.

Cole seems to think that it’s okay for politics to be dirty because after all, “it’s politics”. He is exactly the kind of cretin that we don’t need in government. It’s clowns like him, that allow degenerates like Trump to get in office and ruin the country. Cole is stupid and dangerous. He and his type must be ferreted out and voted out of office.


NBC ran a poll this week and with very puzzling results. Trump led Biden in the poll on handling a crisis, strong record as President, competent and effective, dealing with inflation, cost of living and mental & physical health.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t see Trump even competing in any of those categories. As far as handling a crisis, Trump faced only one, COVID and he blundered his way through it by not dealing with it at all. He refused to admit it was real or that people were dying. That may be your idea of how to deal with a crisis but it’s not mine. Biden on the other hand, has been balancing various wars all over the globe and managing to keep them all from exploding into WWIII.

If Trump had been in office during this period we would have nuked Iran, signed a peace treaty with Hamas, and surrendered Ukraine to Russia.

Trump was so competent and effective as President that he was impeached twice and is currently facing criminal charges in four states on about 90 counts. While in office he managed to alienate most of our allies and befriend the leaders of Russia and South Korea who both made him look like a fool.

As far as their records as President, Trump passed one piece of legislation which helped the very rich evade taxes. Biden, when he had a functioning House, passed all kinds of legislation, legislation that is helping rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, combat climate change, fight big pharma and expand Medicare. Trump stuffed his hotels with foreign dignitaries and filled his pockets as no President ever has.

Biden has dropped the inflation rate from over 6% when he took office to about 3%, now. Employment is at an unheard-of number, and he has created hundreds of thousands of jobs, Trump hired his kids.

And as far as mental and physical health goes, grossly overweight Trump is an ad for a heart attack, and we have always known that he is mentally unstable. Yes, he’s four years younger than Biden but we already see him tipping over the edge when he is left on his own to speak what’s left of his mind.


Doris Kerns Goodwin was interviewed on Meet the Press on Sunday, and she spoke about the optimism of the 50’s and 60’s that made such a difference despite the violence of those years, how it drove the young people to achieve and how the young people today don’t seem to show any of that. In fact, they seem to show only an inability to cope with the world that confronts them. The current surge of anti-Israeli demonstrations on campuses across the country is a perfect example. They seem unable to balance the connection between what Hamas did to the nation of Israel on Oct. 7th and what Israel is doing on the West Bank and Gaza.

They just don’t get that Hamas pledging to destroy Israel caused Israel to seek them out and destroy them in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of many innocent Palestinians.

Yes, what Israel has been doing on the West Bank is wrong, but the Hamas attack was in no way commensurate. Hamas soldiers acted like animals, targeting woman and children, and perpetrating the rape and murder of innocents. That our young people are unable to make that connection is a blanket condemnation of our entire educational system. The first job of education is to reach students to think and that is precisely what our system isn’t doing.

2 thoughts on “GOP too Cheap to Help

  1. Hamas had a breeding ground in Gaza because of Israel’s treatment of all Palistinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
    As a long time supporter of Israel (and opponent of the Likud Party, Netenyahu, and friends), I was most ypset with the Hamas party of murder and destruction. What is happening now in retalation from both sides will solve nothing while filling holes euphamistically called “mass graves,”

  2. Hamas had a breeding ground in Gaza because of Israel’s treatment of all Palistinians in Gaza and the West Bank. As a long time supporter of Israel (and opponent of the Likud Party, Netenyahu, and friends), I was most upset with the Hamas party of murder and destruction.
    What is happening now in retalation from both sides will solve nothing while filling holes euphamistically called “mass graves,” Snar

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