Trump Being Trump

Okay, It’s a week after the election and the baby in the White House is still refusing to acknowledge where we are. Trump lost the election and Biden is the President Elect, a reality that most of the world recognizes.

Under normal conditions, with a sane adult in the White House we would expect that person to acknowledge the incoming president and begin the transition to the new administration. But we don’t have a have a sane adult. We have an egomaniacal sociopath so that is not happening.

Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Miller, Meadow, Cruz, McConnell, McCarthy and Graham have all added to the confusion and unreality for their own personal reasons with absolutely no care about what they are doing to harm the nation.

But is this vile confluence of fraudulent comment only about supporting a madman’s ego? Is this rush to stop the Biden administration from getting the normal briefings from various government agencies and departments just a balm to Trump’s fractured ego?

Maybe, but maybe not! More probable is, that from Trump to the lowest snake in his administration, this is about keeping the incoming administration from finding out how incredibly awful Trump and his minions have been at doing their jobs.

We already know, when Trump replaced Obama the Obama team set up all manner of briefings and supplied large numbers of their own team to inform and prepare the Trump team for what they faced ahead. We also know, from any number of books that have subsequently been published, the Trump team was ill prepared and criminally uninterested in absorbing any of the information that had been prepared for them. The Trump transition team missed meetings, didn’t show up for briefings and generally did nothing to prep for the job ahead. Indeed, Trump and his close advisors did little or nothing to appoint enough people to even fill these teams because they were too lazy, too stupid and too uninterested in doing the job correctly.

Trump himself had no idea of the sweep or the enormity of the job and never figured out his duties or how to be a president.

It goes without saying that when the Biden team begins briefings, especially with our security and intelligence agencies, they are gong to find volumes of material that will show Trump and his team to have been criminally negligent in their dealings with the security, military and intelligence information that was presented to them and quite possibly treasonous in the way they dealt with it.

And that my friends is the real reason for keeping the Biden people’s noses out of all government information for the period of the Trump presidency.


It’s almost two weeks since the election and 12 days since everyone knew who won. Is Donald Trump out in public fighting for the position he espouses; that Biden cheated and he won? NO, so where is Trump? Where is the loudmouth that brayed about Biden hiding in his cellar? Well to be specific, he’s hiding in his own cellar in the White House. No one has heard him speak in days. No public addresses to adoring crowds, no Rose Garden lies; not even a shot on Fox with one of his favorite liars. He did appear in public when he placed a wreath at Arlington but he spoke to no one. That 3% who still cling to the fallacy that Trump won are nothing but a polling rounding error, not a real number. The big noise from Trump Tower is now a pathetic baby, cowering in some closet in the White House, mourning his eminent departure and doing none of the work that is attributed to his office. He didn’t do his job when he was President and he’s not doing it now. What he is doing is making a joke of the American presidency. How long do we have to put up with this cowering loser before we call the Marshall’s Service to drag his sorry ass out of our capital and get someone in there who knows what the job is and how to do it?


As Donald Trump crawls around the White House, trying desperately to avoid windows and any connection to the outside world, we all observe something Trump lacks; the intelligence to understand that he has just gotten what’s left of his brains beaten out. The only reason that this election might appear close to Trump is that in his mind he shut it off as soon as the votes cast on Election Day were counted. He thinks, because he lied about all the mail-in votes that people actually believed him. Now that all the votes have been counted we can see that he lost to Joe Biden by almost 8 million votes. He got murdered! When we look at the states on the edge we find that he lost in Georgia by 14, 057 votes, in Arizona by 11,635, in Pennsylvania by 53, 244 and in Michigan by 149,645. It all resulted in 306 electoral votes. That’s what Trump won by in 2016 and then bragged over and over that it was a landslide. Well, it’s still a landslide only this time he’s the loser. This isn’t a contested race. This is devastation. It’s just that Trump’s brain is too small to encompass the reality, his personality too crippled to grasp the enormity and his balls too small to stand up like a man and accept what he brought on himself.


Not only are Donald Trump’s phony accusations about voter fraud a joke, they have been rebuked by almost everyone in the government, Democrat and Republican, with the exception of Trump’s close circle of ass kissers. Even more to the point is, Trump has actually repainted the electoral map, the map that shows in red and blue which states are Democratic and which Republican.

A look at the new map reveals that the South West States, which were a mix of parties before the election are now almost solid blue leaving the Rocky Mountain States and the almost solid South to the GOP.

I say almost solid, because one of the most important Southern states, Georgia, is now in the blue and another, Texas, is definitely purple.

It’s interesting to note that the Rocky Mountain States: the two Dakotas, Wyoming, Utah, Montana and Idaho, six states with a total human population of less than Rhode Island still hold 12 Senate seats. Something is very wrong there!

Add that the solid south has taken a huge hit where the most important of the southern states, Georgia, has now turned blue and North Carolina and Texas are wobbling on the fence.

That’s the GOP legacy from Trump. That’s what they are going to profit from following a stupid, ego-maniacal sociopath even after they recognized him for the sub-human evil that he was.