Just heard; Republican James Young, an election official stated, this election was the most secure in history despite what Trump says. Young also has stated; the kind of co-ordination necessary to fix multiple elections across a number of states that would result in the wrong man being elected was just not possible.

Now, I never believe that anything is impossible but it sure is improbable considering the way the electoral commission approached this election with a President  trying to fix it by “crying wolf” before it even started.

Of course it probably never occurred to our brain dead president that it was his responsibility as president to keep our elections clean and fair, probably because “clean and fair” are concepts that don’t exist in Trumpworld and it probably is it never occurred to him because he is too uninformed and too lazy to ever consider that it was his job as president to keep the elections “honest,” another concept that doesn’t exist in Trumpworld.

What Trump is too ignorant to realize is that by not allowing his administration to cooperate in the transition, he is giving Biden an excuse for anything that goes wrong with his handling of the pandemic or anything that explodes on the national security front.

Biden is now at 306 electoral votes. That’s the number Trump won by and he called it a landslide. So how come it isn’t a landslide now?

Trump won in 2016 because we have had bad people in politics for the last 40 or so years; people who promised their constituents the moon and delivered green cheese. There were too many people in this country who were worse off in 2016 than their parents had been at a like age, too many whose dream of a comfortable middle class life had been dashed by the greedy actions of the super rich who had bought the legislators who were supposed to protect the people.

Now those same people, having elected a lying, ego driven sociopath as their president, have once again seen their hopes dashed. They somehow believed that a spoiled rich brat with no morals and little intelligence would understand their problem and react to their needs. Of course this didn’t happen, so unable to admit they were wrong and come around enough to even allow for the idea that Biden might be a better president, they once again voted the wrong way and are now stuck with a raving madman who has abandoned any concept of presidential duties and spends his reclusive days locked in the White House Twittering desperate accusations of a fixed election to hopeful fanatics.

In order to bring some sanity to the national political scene it will be necessary for Biden to be able to pass legislation that will help keep the pandemic from spreading faster than it is now and to get government financial help that will enable businesses to survive shutdowns when they are necessary. This will never happen if the GOP takes either seat that is up for election in Georgia at this time.

On January 21, 2021 Joseph R. Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. As is always the case, that will be the occasion of his making an acceptance speech. These little numbers are usually laundry lists of what the incoming president wants to do in office.  This time Joe Biden has to do more. This time he has to make both sides understand why each move is necessary, and how each will fit into an overall plan that will attack each of these problems; the virus, general health, the economy, jobs, the environment and infrastructure as if they were all part of the same problem. He must speak to how each individual problem, along with others; all speak to one general solution and how each problem will depend on the solution to the other problems to solve it.


What’s really ironic is that the only job that the Trump administration was able to do right was to make the elections of 2018 and 2020 secure. Trump failed at everything else he tried to do. And now he is attacking his only success by telling the world that the election was rigged, that he failed even in that.


Okay, it has now gone far too far. The sociopath in the White House is now doing far too much damage to the country he is supposed to be serving between golf matches. It’s time for Republicans, both those in government and those who are just voters, to get off their collective asses and let this idiot know that he is hurting this country and the people in it, many of whom inconceivably, actually voted for him, twice.

It’s obvious that Trump is too immature, too egomaniacal and far too insane to be left in charge of anything except packing his bags.

Now we have the GOP Secretary of State of Georgia reporting that South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham approached him to destroy mail-in ballots. Does Lindsay really need a free round of golf that much? What the hell has happened to this annoying, yet once functional Senator? He seems to have completely lost his mind, ignoring his duty and his once cherished intelligence to blindly follow the insane Donald Trump into the swamp.  What does Trump have on Graham that would force him to throw away his life to adopt abject slavery at the feet of a maniac?


After four incredibly long years it no longer shocks us when we hear that the President of the United States is stupid enough to depend on Rudy Giuliani to collect evidence that the election was rigged. I mean when you consider that Trump and his family are all going to be indicted in a couple of months it’s hard to believe that anyone could be dumb enough to depend on evidence accumulated by a simple clown who is gullible enough to get punked by Borat and photographed on a bed with his hand in his pants.


We’ve all watched Donald Trump babble about how if we didn’t have so many tests we wouldn’t have so many people sick with Covid-19. What Trump is doing is proving what a moron he really is. If Trump had any intelligence at all he would know that tests don’t make people sick, they just tell us how many people have already gotten that way. What makes Trump really stupid is that he thinks the rest of us buy his bullshit. No Donald, none of us are as stupid as you.


Over 130 Secret Service Agents have now tested positive for COVID19. These brave agents who put their lives on the line for our Presidents are getting sick and dying just because Trump likes to drive around in his limo when he’s still contagious or hold rallies where no one wears masks but they still have to expose themselves to the virus just to make sure no one puts a hot one between the Fat Liar’s eyes. Don’t these guys have a union or some protection against being exposed by an  ego driven, brain dead, sociopath?