54 Days Until Trump is Indicted


By now it’s pretty well established that the fat baby in the White House has, in the last four years, done significant damage to the United States of America. He has allowed a pandemic, to become a murder machine and created an economic catastrophe simply by doing what he always does, screwing up and being lazy and incompetent.

But it seems that this wasn’t enough for the nation’s sociopath. The people voted him out of office and now he’s going to get even. He’s going to do that by attempting to cripple what promises to be a functioning Biden team in their attempt to get a jump on all the work that Trump’s administration has already failed at. Yeah, he’ll show those damned voters, he’ll cripple the country for years to come.

And mind you, he’s doing this while talking about running again in 2024. Of course that’s the big give-away.  That’s what tells us he knows he’s lost. If he thought he had legitimately won this time the talk would not be about running at some future date. No, this behavior and all the BS that goes with it is about getting even, just like the firings of anyone who ever said a bad word about him is about getting even. That’s who Trump is. He’s the guy who screws up and then when someone points it out, he jumps to get even. Because he’s an egomaniac, it never occurs to him that if he was in any way competent or functional no one would have to say anything bad about him and he wouldn’t have to spend all his non-golf time being pissed off at those who call ‘em the way they see ‘em.


Joe Biden has named Ron Klain as his White House Chief of Staff. It’s his first appointment and it clearly illustrates the difference between the Biden administration and the Trump administration. Klain has all the background needed for the job, plus years of experience in all aspects of government. Trump’s appointees needed only to contribute to Trump financially or to be able to kiss his ass. It’s why our country is now knee deep in a virus that should be long gone.


“Vaccines don’t save people, vaccinations save people.” Ron Klain said that this past Sunday and it is so true.  What it means is, the Trump administration’s failure to implement the transition will definitely damage our ability to cleanly and functionally distribute the vaccines when they are available. The failure of the Trump people to get the Biden people into the loop will inevitably cause more death in this country. Trump and his coterie of nonfunctional clowns have yet to do any job set before them right. What makes anyone think they will be able to do this most important of jobs even close to correctly or efficiently? Distribution of the vaccine will be a massive logistical problem and far beyond the ken of a bunch of morons who couldn’t even get the fat baby to walk across a street and stand in front of a church without blundering into international consequences.


So the fat lady from GSA has finally gotten her lips unstuck from Trump’s butt and is doing her job. Her buddies a GSA can say all the nice things they want about her but the fact is she held up the process of democracy for almost three weeks. Who knows how many lives that will cost?


Chris Christie, whom I have always liked and admired for his intelligence, made a huge mistake on TV last Sunday when he stated that he didn’t have to be lectured by Karen Finney over what he had been doing as a GOP member relative to Trump’s clog-up of the transition. The fact is that smart as Christie is, he most definitely needs to be lectured over a great deal of what he has done in the past four years relative to Trump. Chris has excused, ignored and bolstered the Fat Liar in the White House over and over again despite the worst presidential behavior in the history of the nation. I know that Christie and Trump are friends, Christie has stated as much numerous times. Regardless of his political stance, Christie should have ended that friendship, at least publicly, a long time ago and he should definitely not be standing up for Trump, as he has done until Sunday. A guy as smart as I always thought Christie was should have been smart enough to cut bait a long time ago. That he didn’t, left him open to the kind of criticism Finney justly made. As Chris stated himself, we have to be loyal to country, not party. He has spent far too much time backing a useless, criminal, clown who has done his best to destroy our country and the democratic system. His statement last night, telling Trump to cash it in, is exactly what he should have done the day after the election.


GOP Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota spoke on the Trump transition crisis this week and was wrong on just about everything he said. His strongest argument for Trump was that of the 24 cases that have been thrown out of court by functioning judges, most have never had any judgment on evidence. First, those 24 are all that have been adjudicated to this point. More important is that Trump’s lawyers presented no evidence the judges could adjudicate? They all went to some kind of law school and that would have informed them that they could go to jail for presenting false evidence, which is all that Trump has for any of his claims. This just goes to prove that even though these lawyers are as dishonest as Trump; they’re not nearly as stupid.


Despite the fact that Trump won’t concede the 2020 election, which if he did win would make him ineligible to run again, he is already speaking about running in 2024. Sure that’s Trumpian logic, but somewhere we must actually face reality. The reality is that Trump has now lost the popular vote twice and only the bizarre existence of the Electoral College allowed him to win the first one. So what makes anyone other than Trump think that he could win in 2024? Even if by some strange quirk of nature he could find the money to run again, why would anyone in his or her right mind want to get behind his campaign?

The fact is, once he is out of office smart Republicans will divest themselves of any trace of the scourge of Trump and start looking immediately for someone to take up the cudgel who displays at least a smidgen of intelligence and a desire to actually do the job. If the GOP wants to survive they must find a new way. They have already shown signs of vigor and their message appeals to many, but putting their energy and their money behind an egomaniacal, illogical, criminal, sociopath is anything but a smart idea.


With Georgia Election Supervisor Brad Raffensperger and Governor Hogan of Maryland coming out for the end of Trump’s interference in the transition, it appears that there is the beginning of a movement to end Trump’s fantasy coup. Of course the Fat Liar has retaliated by actually leaving the golf course long enough to send out a barrage of Twitter hits on both Republicans for what he conceives as traitorous behavior. Of course it never occurs to an egomaniacal sociopath like Trump that his behavior in the post election world is more traitorous and more treasonous than anything these gentlemen could ever conceive.

It’s what always makes me pause when considering those who voted for a clown who obviously cares nothing for his country.  How can they not see this? What blinds them to what Donald Trump actually is? It’s not like he keeps it a secret. He has broadcast every one of his shortcomings for the entire world to see and yet there are those who refuse to believe what their eyes have observed. It’s tragic!