A Really Bad Week

The silence is deafening.

The biggest mouth in the world, the nasty hole that constantly bellows, tweets and blabbers about all manner of nonsense, seems to have nothing to say about a deranged Coast Guard officer who has plotted to kill all kinds of congressmen, newsmen and women along with a number of Democratic candidates.

The Trump mouth is wide open when it comes to Jussie Smollet or immigrant gangs or anything else that doesn’t have to do with this. Not a sound about a killer who planned to kill politicians and press as long as they opposed Trump. But does the mouth that slobbers have anything to say about this. Not one single word?

Any other leader would already have condemned this would-be mass murderer, but not Trump. He loves this guy because this degenerate gives him a chance to play to his base. If this killer were a Muslim, Trump would be shouting to the heavens about what should be done to this guy. Execution would be way too good.

But it’s not just Trump. Where’s Mitch McConnell? Where’s Lindsay Graham? Probably turning a warm cheek to David Duke or some other white supremacist.

When a deranged liberal shot Steve Scalise the Democrats instantly came out to condemn this kind of behavior; demanding the government do something about it.  Now the targets are reversed and there’s dead silence from the GOP. What does that tell you about the kind of sub-humans these men and women are? Do you really want to be represented by this kind of scurve? A significant percentage of the Republican Party and all of the White House has become a fungus, poisoning our nation. They must be stopped. They must be voted out of office before this country is awash in the kind of garbage that made this story necessary.


Watched Bill Maher, who I normally like and occasionally agree with, do a rant on how Amazon screwed New York and is now playing other cities off against each other. One of his strongest points was, Amazon had chosen two cities that were already successful and didn’t need it. That led to the concept that Amazon should put up their headquarters in Nebraska or some other place that needs them.

Maher completely misses the point of what Amazon is looking for and how to make a business successful. All he’s got to do is ask himself why his show is done in LA. Because he wants to live there! No one wants to live in Nebraska, not even intelligent Nebraskans and especially not cosmopolitan managerial types who want to work for Amazon.

Amazon moves to New York or Seattle or Austin or LA and they have a wide choice of types to fill all the jobs they have to offer. They move to Ita Bina, Mississippi and they can fill the grunt jobs; (there will be no shortage of stoop laborers,) but forget getting anyone to run the place. And I’m trying not to be a Yankee bigot. It’s just that the people with education or background want to live someplace that feeds their intellectual needs so they have long ago left Alabama and Arkansas. You want to open a huge business in Atlanta, Georgia you can find people to work there but if you want to go across the border to Kentucky coal country, good luck.

Maher should know better but he is willing to give up his cherished logical thought process just to make a cheap point. You don’t build a five thousand-seat theatre on the Res in South Dakota because there just aren’t enough people in the whole state who make enough money to regularly buy tickets. It’s that simple.

Maybe if you have a middle-sized business, one that doesn’t need a big influx of high-end talent, you might want to look for a smaller but functioning town like Topeka, Kansas that has done a lot to bring itself back; a town that would support such a move because it has already shown a will to help itself and because it has almost enough people to fill the vacancies that the new business would provide. Forget, however, something enormous like Amazon. The end result of such a catastrophic move would be the business failing and utterly destroying what’s left of the town. Maher is a dazzlingly clever comic but on this one he’s just got to cool his jets.


There has been a cacophony of sound and confusion over Trump’s emergency declaration on his wall. I haven’t really delved into this specific part of the wall problem up to now but it seems to me, if Trump signed the bipartisan bill, thereby declaring there was no emergency only a few days before he declared this emergency, he has already shown his declaration to be a phony scam. I mean, if there was a real emergency how could he sign the bill? Wouldn’t a real emergency stop him from signing the bill?

But he did sign the bill. What happened? Was there some sudden revelation from heaven telling him about the emergency? We all know Trump thinks God speaks directly to him. Hell he thinks it’s his job to tell God what to do, but that’s only Trump’s ego and irrational mind at work. Maybe the courts should consider the irrationality of Trump’s approach to reality when they consider what is the surest court challenge in recent history.


Republican shill Alex Castellanos has already drunk the Kool-Aid and now he’s trying to force feed it to anyone who will listen to him. He was on This Week, where every other word out of his mouth was “Socialist.” Castellanos has always been full of shit and it’s obvious he is busy proving that nothing has changed.

What Castellanos makes clear is; in the coming arguments on how to help the country, the GOP has nothing to offer except the phony cry of “Socialism.” It’s obvious that Trump is the only one in the GOP who has any kind of plan and his plan is just to get richer himself. He’d also like to build a wall, but making himself richer will always take precedence.

The Dems on the other hand are talking about universal health care, environmental reforms, better and more available education, infrastructure, voter reform and good paying jobs even as the GOP has come up with many ideas on how to make the rich, richer.

Of course none of the old white guys in the Senate want to talk about the fact that they are taking advantage of Medicare or that their constituents who have lost their jobs at Wendy’s or Wal-Mart are now collecting unemployment insurance and food stamps. No, all they want to do is show their billionaire supporters that they oppose some nebulous “socialism,’ without actually having to pinpoint any specifics about any programs that might actually be helping the people from their districts..


Trump is going to Vietnam this week to once again engage again with Kim Jung Un. Trump has stated that his goal is the denuclearization of North Korea, which already puts the goal of the discussion on a non-attainable footage. There is no way that Kim can give up his nukes in a world where governments like the US have a habit of killing dictators that don’t have nuclear protection.

Without that possibility, and it just doesn’t exist, this is nothing but a photo-op for Trump in which he can lie about another victory or quite possibly display what an utter failure he really is.

In a discussion about that probably anti-climatic meeting with Joan Pak former CIA operative and former US ambassador to the UN, Bill Richardson, Tom Bossert, former Trump homeland security advisor, explains that the only possible outcome is one in which the North does some dismantling of the nuclear threat but does not abandon it.

Bossert points out that there has been significant backsliding by Kim and suggests that the only productive move is to threaten him.  Pak states firmly that Trump has misinterpreted Kim, thinking of him as a businessman rather than the dictator he is and one who thinks of murder as a diplomatic tool. As such he has to depend on his nukes to stay in power.

The only conclusion one can come to from this discussion is that very little can really be accomplished by a President that Kim has no reason to believe, and a dictator who has no reason to tell the truth. Trump wants Kim to believe that as soon as he gives up his nukes he will be able to embark on an economic plan that will rejuvenate his country, while Kim knows that the second he gives up his nukes he will be as dead as Saddam Hussein.