Will Trump Pay Up?

The conjecture about whether Trump would come up with the half billion bond he will owe as of Monday had reached fever pitch. But then the judge lowered the bond and gave the fat crook more time to raise the money.

But one aspect still stands alone in importance. If Trump is forced against a wall, will he sell out the country? The answer, an unqualified; Yes! Is there any doubt?

 Here’s how it will happen. Trump will come up short despite the billions in cash he claims to have. He already knows that forfeiting a building for the cash is a bad bet because even if he manages to get a positive judgement later, the building will be gone and he won’t be able to get it back, at least not for the same money he sold it for. So, what will he do? He’ll go for foreign money, Russian, Iranian, Saudi Arabian.  And then he’ll owe them. And if by some tragic accident of fate, he gets elected, we’ll have a President who owes big favors to a foreign government.  Even with the most trustworthy of individuals this isn’t a good idea.  With a crook like Trump, it’s an impending disaster.

The first time whoever gave the money to Trump calls in the marker he will buckle. Trump has never displayed the kind of strength of character that would encourage him to stand up to anyone acting against the interests of the nation he wants to lead.

Whether it’s trade policies or nuclear secrets, the smart money says they’d all be in the hands of our enemies faster than you could say, “Trump’s a crook.”


A debate over our dysfunctional congress on This Week, had Reince Priebus whining over the inability of the House to get anything done. Jesus Christ! It’s Priebus and his bunch of nonfunctional incompetents that has been causing the problem since the Tea Party moved into Washington.

Our current congress is the least functional in the history of the nation. They have passed only 24 bills this year and none of them were significant. That’s a record, and not a good one. They are currently trying to figure out what to do with a bill that was sponsored by a bi-partisan group of their members that gives the GOP section of the House everything they could ask for in a border bill, but they are unable to get it up for a vote because Donald Trump doesn’t want it to pass and give Joe Biden something to brag about even if it helps the thousands of immigrants who have upended, and endangered their lives, in a mostly vain attempt to better them. That’s the kind of garbage Priebus and Trump really are.


What’s left of the GOP were salivating this week after the Isis attack in Russia that killed over 40 and injured hundreds. Mike McCaul was busy on the tube making a big deal about our withdrawal from Afghanistan being responsible for deadly occurrences like this. This is an old, tired repetition that has really worn out its welcome. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was the right thing to do.  Yes, it cost 13 lives but over time it will save hundreds as we have taken our sons and daughters out of the line of fire in a hostile country that was run by incompetent crooks.

Putin is trying to blame the massacre on Ukraine, but everyone knows he’s full of shit. He was warned it was going to happen and he ignored the warnings. He’s as responsible for those dead Russians as the Isis killers who pulled the triggers.


The NBC brass hired the serial liar Ronna McDaniel this week and the shit really hit the fan. Kristen Welker interviewed McDaniel and Ronna lied about everything including her name, which she had changed, dropping the Romney part to please Trump. Welker played the interview on Meet the Press, and it was followed by a panel discussion led by Chuck Todd in which McDaniel and the NBC brass were trashed for her lack of honesty. All the panelists, members of the working press, came down on her for the lies she has told in search of Donald Trump’s vice- Presidency.

A name that came up repeatedly in the attacks on McDaniel was Fox News, because of their repeated lack of honesty in reporting the news. It seems that the working press is getting tired of being accused of lying to the American public when they see themselves as the only truthtellers in the political spectrum.

There was a time when the press was considered the one place you could depend on to tell it like it is. The appearance of Fox News and significant other MAGA news sources during the Trump era has smashed that image and greatly angered the working press who have always gloried in the image of themselves as America’s source of reliable information. But then the rulers of the information track in our government allowed Rupert Murdoch, a foreigner, to gain access to significant parts of our media by letting him buy the New York Post and Fox TV News. Murdoch was a major scumbag, but only a minor annoyance when he had control of British newspapers and TV. Now that he’s interfering with the information pipeline here, he’s a serious danger that needs to be closed up and shipped back down under.

This s not to say that all the media outlets were always completely honest before MAGA interests stepped in. There have always been media interests that had a point of view that was not completely comfortable with the truth, but in the past most major media sources displayed a degree of honesty, which kept them in a safe zone that usually made them reliable sources of information. Now you have to assume that certain sources like Fox News and the NY Post are lying when they say anything at all, and immediately embrace that opposite POV or you are sure to be dead wrong. That’s what makes most reporters so angry at the MAGA press. There is no truth, only a Trump POV and when there is no truth, there can be no debate because there is no basis for real agreement or disagreement. You can’t argue with someone who says the 2020 election was fixed when they have no basis in fact for their statement. All the facts say it wasn’t fixed, but they have chosen to ignore all the facts and come to their own conclusion based on what they want to have happened. This has nothing to do with reality so there is no real place for the debate to go. The Ronna McDaniel’s, and the Donald Trump’s, of the world will go on inventing their own facts and their own conclusions, because they don’t care whether or not they conform to reality. They only care that they conform to what they want and that’s almost always bad for the rest of America.