He’s At It Again

In an interview with Chris Wallace involving questions on the pandemic, Donald Trump actually claimed that he will eventually be right; that someday there will be no more COVID-19 cases. What Wallace failed to reply was: “Yes, you moron when everyone is dead.” This despicable clown actually had his staff print up phony charts showing that we are tops in the world with lowest death rate, when we’re actually seventh. We would be lower on that chart but they also left some countries off the chart to make us look better.


There has been way too much talk about whether or not Trump will leave the White House if he loses the election in November. It’s not a question. It’s a moot point. He doesn’t have a choice. I know this will kill Bill Maher, but that’s the law as it is observed in this country. You loose the election you vacate on Jan20 the following year. You don’t get a choice. The election results are the people‘s choice and if you lose you’re gone. The new president is coming in and unless you want to order some bunk beds and clear out the cellar, you have to get your sorry ass out of the White House.

Asking this buffoon if he’s going to leave is giving him a choice. He has no choice. He loses, he’s gone, regardless of whether he thinks it was fair or not. It’s that simple.  Asking him if he’s going to go, gives him a choice by implication. That’s a false reality. There is no choice but if people keep asking him, he’s dumb enough and has a big enough ego to believe that whether he goes or not is up to him. It isn’t. It’s up to the US Marshal’s Service and the orders they will get from the new president elect.

It would really be funny to see the Fat Liar dragged kicking and screaming out of the White House and dumped on the lawn but that will never happen mainly because as soon as he sees such a scenario developing, Trump will be out the door yelling at the top of his lungs that he’s glad to get out of this dump and that he hated every minute there and that’s why he threw the election.

But Trump really doesn’t have a say in it. Sure he wouldn’t tell Chris Wallace whether or not he’d leave but it doesn’t make any difference. We all know he’s going to whine that the election was rigged, but that doesn’t matter because the minute Joe Biden walks into the White House on January 21 Trump will have to leave. He won’t stand and fight because he’s a coward. He just doesn’t have the balls to stand and fight. He can stand and lie but that won’t do him any good.

You know, what’s funny? He rails about mail-in ballots and that’s the way he votes.  So maybe we should find his ballot and throw it out before it causes any trouble.


Ever since it emerged from the GOP swamp to begin biting the heads off the reptilian Republican scum I have been a fan of the Lincoln Project. As if to justify my admiration a whole host of Trump lackeys are now busy attacking Rick Wilson and his buddies as they wreak havoc with the lying clowns that keep trying to make Trump look presidential.

Jared Kushner rants against Wilson almost daily while Laura Ingraham and Steve Bannon attack him on Fox News and Brietbart. Mark Levin tweets vicious homophobic jibes from his closet even as Steve Miller writes sleazy fiction about him that his boss can’t read.

But the bottom line is that the Trumpets really hate him the Lincoln Project guys because they are just like them when it coms to the instinct to attack. They have retained that GOP ability to hit low and hard and to draw blood. It is a trait that the Democrats have never developed and have desperately needed for decades.  The GOP got used to not having to deal with it but now they do. It’s coming directly from the honest side of their dishonest party and it’s armed and dangerous.


Our country is under siege from a would be dictator who has, so far, failed in everything he has attempted, most of which was not aimed at supporting the American people but himself and his friends.

Donald Trump has spent three and a half years of this nation’s time being a miserable failure.  Now, as his time of reckoning approaches he has become desperate and maniacal, reaching out for any small victory that will make him appear acceptable in the eyes of those

Americans least able to understand the concept of Democracy.

Like any Middle Eastern or Banana Republic dictator, Trump has decided that the only way to hold power is through violence perpetrated by his version of the secret police. He has come up with his own Gestapo or the Stasi; his own NKVD and he has dispersed them to Portland where they act just like their predecessors, roaming the streets and kidnapping citizens without warrant, authority, due cause, or self identification.

The phony excuse for their presence; they are protecting Federal property. Well if that’s true they should be in the courthouse or one of the post offices because those are federal property, not the streets of the city.

Because he knows nothing about what he is doing and has no qualifications for his job other then knowing how to kiss Trump’s ass, Chad Wolf, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, has blindly sent his minions into a situation that is in direct confrontation with The Constitution and has left each officer he commands open to civilian lawsuits that will destroy them and their families.  Guys like Rodney Scott head of the Border Patrol, Tim Shea, DEA and Donald Washington of the US Marshal’s Service should know better. But lawsuits that are inevitable are the least of their challenges. By operating like a Chilean Dictator’s private army they are exposing their people to retaliatory violence. This kind of extra-legal activity is especially infuriating to a specific segment of the population who are trying to play by the rules but have constantly been confronted by a would-be dictator who won’t play by any rules, even if he actually understands what they are.

It probably won’t happen in Portland but if Trump tries this in Chicago the inevitability of push back will be off the charts. One sniper on a rooftop could be the catalyst for Armageddon. One man teetering on the edge, who sees himself as the last defense of the constitution, will be all it takes to turn this presidential madness into a bloodbath the likes of which we haven’t seen in this country since the Civil War.

Interestingly enough it would almost surely lead to the end of Trump, because men of good conscience will understand that they must stand and defend their principals against a monster without any principals.

Yes, it will rip the nation apart and we can only hope that the idiot in the Oval Office can be made to understand that the fire he is playing with could consume the entire nation.



UBS a Swiss Bank more or less famous for it’s addiction to ignoring the rules of banking and therefore a major depository source for the filthy rich, has issued a report indicating that in a year that has been seriously volatile, 122 families who hold a net worth north of $1.6 billion, have seen 77% of their portfolios perform at or above their goals

At the same time, the Institute of Policy Studies revealed that 6 billionaires including Eric Yuan, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk saw their net worth increase by over $2 billion in the last year.

At this point it is frightening obvious that incomes in the lowest fifth are getting killed while those in the top 1% are skyrocketing; proving that the system is rigged to benefit the wealthy and that this has created a situation that cannot be allowed to continue if we are ever to exist in a world or a country where human life can prosper universally.

In the UK the Office of National Statistics revealed, not surprisingly, that people living in more deprived areas where the death rate was 55.1 per 100,000 were more likely to die of COVID19 than those in affluent areas where the death rate was 25.3 deaths per 100,000.

This week a group of 83 wealthy individuals called on the governments of the world to increase taxes on the super rich, including themselves.

This is at least one small indication that some few individuals in this world understand the problem.

Greed is nothing new to the human race. Over the millennium it has repeatedly been concentrated in the hands of a very few rulers, while the majority of populations lived miserable lives lowlighted by starvation and disease. Over the centuries the human race has ever so slowly progressed to a slightly better condition, often through the efforts of entrepreneurs who invented or developed economic and industrial processes that uplifted the lives of all they touched. Yet even as those processes increased and lifted those around them, the children of the men who had invented or developed them found ways to extract more and more of their fair share from the process.

Along the way there have been various adjustments to the process, including in the 20th Century with the Great Depression and WWII. The process of each event demanded that nations rebuild and that rebuilding drew its financing from the only place where money lived, with the super rich. This led to egregious tax rates after WWII but the super rich always survive and prosper and in the ensuing 60 years the millionaire class inevitably became the billionaire class and are fast approaching being the trillionaire class. They have been able to do that because they have in their possession the key to all economic mobility, the money to make it happen. They have used that money to remove regulation, control government bodies and avoid responsibility for the problems they create in the process of expanding their wealth. Their money has given them the clout to lobby congress to lower or eliminate their taxes and to provide government subsidies for their business development.

There’s nothing wrong with being rich. There’s a whole lot wrong with using your wealth to keep other people poor or to retard the development of some process that will work for the good of the population in general. The sterling examples of that have been industries like sugar, tobacco, fossil fuel, weapons and pharmaceuticals, all of which, along with many others, have deliberately created obstacles to the development of business that could do what they do cleaner, safer and better.

But even more important is the processes by which big business draws money from the economy for its own benefit; depressing wages, forcing the loss of benefits and crushing smaller businesses.

This will be among the most important jobs that must be accomplished by an incoming Democratic administration and it is because of this that it is imperative that the Democrats take all three branches of government in November.   Leave one branch to the GOP and they will be able to stymie any progressive legislation that would help to flatten, even a little, the economic curve. It’s nice to see that 83 super rich individuals have seen the light and understand that no one needs billions to live a great life. It would be nicer if 8,000 did.