100 Days ’till You Vote

Donald Trump finally achieved something this week and he’s not about to let anyone forget. He talked in depth about it in two press conferences and it’s really good to know that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately he thinks he took an intelligence test thereby proving that he has none, whatsoever. But at least we know that he can remember 5 words in a row and that’s way better than anything we have known about him in a long, long time.

This week Donald Trump, realizing that he’s getting what’s left of his brains beaten out in all the battleground states, made a frantic grab for the women voters who are abandoning him in droves. Of course he went about it in all the wrong ways. You don’t get back today’s women by singing the praises of housewives being “barefoot and pregnant” and you sure don’t get to them by having your lackeys do it for you. I’m speaking about morons like Congressman Yoho calling congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a “Fucking bitch.”

Sure AOC can be annoying, especially when she’s just said something you hate and she’s right. That’s exactly her value to the Democrats.  But Yoho should have kept his cool. This is not some immigrant whose baby he just stole. This is an incredibly well spoken US congresswoman who showed him the error of his ways by ripping off his nuts and feeding them to him with, “a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti”

Yoho is lucky that’s all she did. AOC is becoming a force and that is exactly why Yoho said what he said. Men like Yoho and Trump just don’t get that women are now a force in every aspect of our political, social and economic world. They’ve always been smarter than men, especially when we let the wrong head deal with them, but now they are becoming better educated and certainly just as functional so why shouldn’t they take over? This very obvious reality scares the living shit out of the GOP.


So the world is flipping upside down and the would be American dictator is sending storm troopers into American cities to quell violence that doesn’t exist and the other night he promised 75,000 more of them. Wait a minute, 75,000 more faux Gestapo from Homeland Security? Where the hell are all these guys coming from and who’s going to be doing their job when they’re off fighting Trump’s imaginary wars? And what the hell do all those guys do anyway?  Why the hell do we need that many men in Homeland Security? That should be the first place to defund if we need to save money. And what the hell does Homeland Security do anyway? This country worked very well for about 235 years without them, in fact we did fine. How come they’re so big now that they have a spare 75,000 bodies to toss at Trump’s imaginary war?

I mean we all know the necessity of having them invade cities is nothing but Trumpian bullshit.

It violates the basic intentions of the Constitution, while it violates all conservative Republican doctrine, absolutely destroying the idea of States Rights in any form and it violates the rights of common citizens when they can be grabbed up off the streets for no reason and held without charge by men without identification working for groups without names. Welcome to Argentina.


This weekend the new White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, made an appearance on the tube, in order it seemed, to let is know that the administration is still lying and obfuscating. His bullshit on testing and just about everything is just more of the same from the old Fat Liar in the White House. Meadows is just another Mick Mulvaney but without the personality.

Meadow’s proves he merited his job by kissing Trump’s ass at every turn. Sure, it’s an impossible job. I mean, how does this poor slob make the worst president in history look like anything else? But he asked for it and now he’s stuck with it.

At one point in the interview Trump’s “rigged election” mantra comes up. Meadow’s does his best to follow the party line and once again George Stephanopoulos fails in his job by never asking the only relevant question.  “Since the Trump administration is in power, isn’t it your responsibility to maintain the integrity of the voting process?”  That question implies that if what he says is true, Trump should stop whining and do something. But there’s nothing to do because the process isn’t rigged, what’s rigged is Trump’s integrity, what’s rigged is Trump’s ability to do the right thing. It’s Trump who is inviting all our national enemies to stick their computers into our electoral process but Meadow can’t say that because he’s just another flunky, trying to pick up a paycheck from the most dishonest man ever to set foot in the White House.


Meadow was followed on This Week by Michelle Lujan Grisham, Governor of New Mexico, who brought with her a refreshing candor and a truthful approach to what is going on in health, education and election integrity. It was something that might well be studied by the whole GOP. Funny how many fewer questions one has when truth is being told.


And then there was a near violent panel discussion on This Weekwhen GOP strategist Sara Fagen, who rarely has anything of value to contribute, lost it when the storm troopers invading Portland were identified by another panelist as para-military. Why the dimwitted Ms Fagan took such umbrage to this identification is hard to conceive. It was not just accurate but apt. This set off a wild melee which George, to no ones surprise, couldn’t control.

Chris Christie and Rahm Emanuel duked it out verbally with Chris making more points than he should have, simply because he’s very facile at this sort of thing. But Rahm had the facts and the correct POV on his side and he wasn’t buried in trying to protect the Fat Liar in the White House the way Christie was. Christie kept blabbering about bomb throwing rioters but the reality is that there was no throwing of anything and little rioting until Trump ordered his invasion forces into Portland. The fact is, the first activities of Trump’s Gestapo occurred far from the federal building they were supposed to be protecting when they started kidnapping US citizens off the streets and holding them without authority. That’s what has caused any rioting that occurred, that and the invading forces tactics of using tear gas and rubber bullets, which have invited retaliation in the form of Molotov cocktails, the traditional weapon of the invaded.

The fact is, Trump thought this kind of tactic would appeal to his base and while that may be true to some extent, it has disgusted all those who believe in our democracy and despise the concept of dictatorship.  It has emnitized those who understand that Trump is little more than a would-be banana republic dictator, a blundering, stupid, dysfunctional, clown masquerading as president of the United States. Those same people will vote to end Trump’s catastrophic reign in 100 days.


Michael Moore has done some really good documentary film work but I always want to tell him to shut up when I see him interviewed. The other day, however, he came up with a wild but really functional idea. His concept is that Joe Biden should publically assume that he is going to win the election and just go ahead and start putting together a new government.

Now you have to understand that almost every president except Trump has done this, at least partially but they never do it in public. It’s always done behind the scenes. But Moore’s idea was that he should do it right out in the open and he’s right.

Biden has been dicking around about picking a VP. He should immediately jump in, but he shouldn’t stop there. He should pick his Cabinet with a Secretary of State and all the various department heads. He should take temporary office-space; get a Chief of Staff working and interview for ambassador jobs.

Knowing Trump, this will absolutely drive him out of his mind. All the Democratic Senators and those who are running for Senate seats as well as all the House members and potential members should start having obvious meetings where new legislation is planned and scheduled. Everyone should act as if the result of the election is already in and when questioned should reply that the questioner should just check out the polls.

Just think about it. What would you do if you were somehow undecided and you saw this going on? You have been living with an administration that has accomplished absolutely nothing in almost four years; one that can’t walk and chew gum and you see this machine efficiently banging out a plan to remake the nation. Sure it’s all a play. Sure it’s all fiction. But it’s also a mighty super train blasting down a previously unoccupied track, taking up all the space and all the momentum and showing up the Trump administration for the epic failures that they truly are.