ur Colleges are Failing Us

Reince Priebus, who failed miserably as a member of the Trump administration, was on the tube last weekend trying to make a case for Trump actually being a better choice as President in the 2024 election. It’s no easy task that Priebus has set for himself. Trump, during his four years in office, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was easily the worst President in the history of the nation. Now with a following made up of unreasonable, illogical, malcontents, and despite being indicted on almost a hundred criminal counts that could land him in jail for several lifetimes, he is once again screwing up what could be the election on which hangs the future of our democracy.

I don’t know what Priebus has in mind, but

his show will have to be better than “Hamilton” if it expects to show Trump as anything but a criminal psychopath.


The truce has broken down. Hostage swapping has stopped, and the war, as can be seen by the resumption of bombing in Gaza and rocket attacks on central Israel, is back. This automatically means the resumption of attacks on Israel by those who accuse them of humanitarian violations, but before we jump to conclusions, we must always look at cause and effect. The bottom line is that there would be no bombing at all if Hamas had not invaded Israel and did not continue to declare their only reason for existence to be the complete annihilation of that nation. What would you do if someone declared that their only goal in life was to kill you and your family.  Do you think you might consider killing them before they reached their goal?

United States government officials have been quite outspoken on the subject, calling on Israel to halt their attack on Gaza, but when the US was faced with a similar situation after 911, they not only attacked a country causing the deaths of untold numbers of civilians, but they attacked the wrong country.

That’s right, we went into Iraq when we should have invaded Saudi Arabia. Most of the World Trade Center bombers were Saudi’s not Iraqis, but we did a hell of a lot of business with the Saudi’s and not much with Iraq. So maybe our politicians should keep their lips zipped and leave the IDF to settle what Hamas has started. It appears that they are already doing a better job saving civilians than most other armies have. Maybe those civilians would be a lot safer if Hamas wasn’t holding them as shields and kidnapping women and children for the same purpose.

The truce ended because Hamas wouldn’t produce a list of women and children they were still holding. One more violation of the rules of humanity. This is an organization that seems bent on proving to the world that they are nothing but senseless, sub-human butchers, and that the only way to deal with them is to kill them. Israel is trying to accommodate them in the most humain way possible.

Yes, the Palestinians had many reasons to hate the Israelis, but none of them added up o excusing the butchery of the Hamas attack or their senseless pullout from the truce. Israel must render Hamas unable to ever function again or the Hamas butchers will be back, and it will be far worse. Yes, the process will cost some civilian life, but the civilians themselves can help by following the instructions that the Israeli’s are giving them as to where to go to avoid combat. It’s difficult and harrowing but it’s necessary until Hamas is wiped out. The Israeli plan is a lot more than anyone has ever done in a war to safeguard life. Someone should recognize and appreciate that.

The question keeps coming up. “What is    America going to do if we don’t think the Israeli’s are doing enough to safeguard civilian life in Gaza.” There can be only one answer. Nothing!  Just as we have done when we were faced with the same problem in any number of combat situations around the globe in the last 70 years. Just as we did in WWII. The fact of the matter is, if you are in a war, you have to win it. Losing is never an option because to lose a war to a totalitarian foe means that your way of life is destroyed so it cannot be considered as an option.


The New School of Social Research is a college in NYC that has long been known for liberal thinking. When I was a young man, it was known as a hotbed of Communism but that was probably because Americans, even though we live on all kinds of socialist give-a-ways, have a great deal of trouble separating socialism from communism. The New School seems to have always had a significant Jewish enrollment. That’s why it was so surprising this week to see big demonstrations against the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

Sure, it’s a liberal cause and the student body at New School has always been demonstratively liberal, but the factual reality of Israel’s cause, seems to appear so clear to a reasonable mind that one can only look on the demonstrators as foolish children who put the lie to New School’s ability to educate.

It’s time to take the religious motivations, which always confuse any issue, out of it and just look at two institutions in conflict. One declares that its entire reason for being is to destroy the other, and then demonstrates this by carrying out a savage attack in which its fighters commit one brutal atrocity after another. The second moves to defend its territory even as the original invader declares that it will only stop when the defender is no more.  What is Israel, the defender, to do? If it doesn’t destroy the aggressor, it will itself be destroyed. So, Israel has the obligation to themselves and to the world in general, to destroy the aggressor.

But what about the civilian population that is put at risk by both the aggressor and the defender. Both endanger the civilians, but one has already proven its lack of consideration for their safety. That is clearly Hamas which has used civilians as shields, and their hospitals as ammunition dumps, even as they have tortured, raped, and butchered civilian hostages.

There is no good solution, but there is a real solution, and that’s the elimination of Hamas, as far as that can possibly be accomplished.

So, it’s time for the faculty at New School, as well as many other supposed institutions of learning that have failed to educate their students, in this glaring example of international immorality, to get off their assess and do their job.