Wither Manchin?

Joe Manchin ha announced that he will not run for re-election to the Senate. This presents a dual problem. First, in the Senate, which needs a Democrat in West Virginia to maintain a majority. Second, does this pe-suppose that Manchin will be running for President as an independent? He has already hinted at it and has announced that he will be touring the nation. No, he hasn’t said it’s a campaign loop, but does anyone think he wants to check out the Grand Canyon?

His problem, if he decides to run, is that the vehicle will be No Labels, otherwise known as No Party, No Platform, No disclosed Funding.   An organization that smells very strongly of No Leadership.

It’s not a question of whether or not No Labels can push Manchin through to real contention for the Presidency, no third party in memory has been able to do this. It’s just a matter of whether they can make him a true spoiler.                                             *****

The education situation in this country has reached crisis status. Right now, we are short something like 300,000 teachers. We teach the wrong subjects to our students, and send them off to college, unprepared for the training that college is supposed to give them.

The first problem is the teacher shortage because without teachers, there’s no reason to have schools. What’s causing it? Low pay is always a problem, but that’s the easiest part of the problem to fix. You just have to decide on your priorities. If your kid’s education is one of them then you just have to lay back a little on the suds and use that money to drag the third-grade teacher over the poverty line.

The big decisions, the one’s that end up in court or jail are the ones over what gets taught. Can God be mentioned in a non–sectarian

 classroom, especially when everyone’s version of him or her is at odds with everyone else’s? Is civics, which teaches kids what their government does and what it’s not supposed to do, and isn’t taught in most schools today, more essential to your kid’s education than advanced math, which is currently taught to many students who will never have a need for it. And will even a few teachers in the south and mountain west finally learn the difference between communism and socialism?

And yes, we have to learn to protect our children while they are in school, but even though that’s also a major problem it isn’t an education one.

Last week’s election showed a big movement from conservative to liberal school boards but before you start cheering, understand that the prevalence of WOKE in liberal thinking, is one of the great intellectual steps backward in the 21st century,


The hospitals of Gaza are under fire from just about everyone. This is absolutely unacceptable, but what to do about it. The premise is very simple. A military force made up of religious fanatics, dedicated to wiping out the Jews, has set up military installations in civilian and medical facilities, contrary to the rules of war. The press in many countries has elected to overlook this because it doesn’t fit with their views of what Jews are and are not allowed to do in order to continue to exist.

It appears that the Jews have but one recourse. They should immediately install military facilities in all the mosques in Israel. If they don’t have need of that many facilities, they should use the remaining ones to store munitions. Maybe those who see nothing wrong with Hamas setting up headquarters in hospitals in Gaza will see a different picture if they are faced with a different cast.


Bibi Netanyahu appeared on Meet the Press last Sunday and while I’ve never been a fan of Bibi, and sincerely believe that his work on the West Bank was a great motivator of the Hamas attack, it’s still true that he made a reasonable, and functional defense of what Israel is doing in the war with Hamas.

He didn’t actually come up with any new arguments on Sunday. In some cases he just changed the emphasis and came at existing problems from a different direction.  Bibi has always been a great bullshitter, and he proved that once again last Sunday. The big question is, will he have it in him to come up with a real two-party solution to the Palestinian problem before they throw him in jail.


Everyone, as they should, seems to be making a case for the civilians of Gaza.  In order to do that, however, they are forced to create a solution to the Hamas problem, because if you prioritize those civilians, you automatically give cover to Hamas’ army of savages. What’s the answer?

There is only one answer, and it will never happen because it will require Hamas to disband, and all the fanatic savages that lead and fill her ranks to step down.  Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, sat down with Fareed Zacharia on Sunday to discuss this awful situation, but even these two great thinkers couldn’t come up with anything like a functional solution. That’s because there isn’t one. Hamas is ready to die for their beliefs, and worse they are ready to kill indiscriminately for them, and that means a hell of a lot of dead civilians.


The Circus, quite possibly the best purely political show ever on TV got canceled this week, one year before the 2024 election, just at the time it was needed most. This is a show that gave you the straight story, told with

 wry humor and facts. We need a lot more of that.


Mike Johnson, the nut case who is two steps from the Presidency, in a speech in which he attacked every aspect of the American way, announced that the United States is “depraved.” Johnson cut loose, accusing the nation of having lost the ability to recognize truth. Maybe we don’t. It would be no wonder considering that we just spent seven years listening to his candidate, Donald Trump, lie with every breath he took. Johnson also goes after the fact that for the first time America’s recorded history, church attendance has dropped below 50%. I’m shocked that it’s even close to 50% considering the example set by the “True Christians.” Is it any wonder mainly young people are abandoning the churches when the examples given by our various priesthood’s are of child molesters and greedy pigs stealing from the collection baskets.

Johnson’s hero, Donald Trump, was indicted and pled guilty to stealing from the very charities he set up to avoid taxes. Since that’s how true Christian’s act, there is little wonder that the thoughtful among us want no part of the label.

Who wants to be included with a jackass like Johnson who has set up a twisted quasi-partnership with his son to report on each other’s masturbatory habits. Sick enough for you?

This disgusting piece of shit belongs back with the Puritans, burning witches and jacking off to the flaming bodies.

The problem for the country is that there are too many of these babbling fools expecting God to solve their problems instead of looking to morally functional men and women to do their jobs for the benefit of the citizens of the country they are supposed to be serving

[]’as declared that “depraved” America deserves God’s wrath.